What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)


New member
This sums it up for me, haha... joking aside, working out makes me feel great and like I've accomplished something. Plus, I hope that it will inspire my 7 yr old to be active and follow my example.

edit: updated link
@gem4him I'll tell you what, fellow old guys. Just between us, what keeps me working out is seeing so many of my fellow middle aged fellas just go completely to shit. I find it very satisfying to be getting leaner and more jacked while they're all just getting fatter and fatter.
@kedgre This is a big factor with me as well. I'm 45.

Another is keeping strong and healthy so i can more successfully fight against aging diseases that would cripple a less healthy person
@gem4him Similar reasons for me. Feels great to look better than most everyone else my age.
I also have a 7 year old who I want to set a positive fitness example for.
@gem4him your picture link gives this for me:

You don't have permission to access /wp-content/uploads/I-Wanna-Look-Good-Naked-from-Starling-Fitness.gif on this server.

My motivation: The fact that others can do it, then so can I. Also, I realise that at my age (33) if I miss a workout or slack off for too long I will lose my condition and will need to climb a much steeper hill to get back to where I was, much longer so than when I was younger.