When are glute band exercises no longer useful?


New member
Background: 5'4" 16F, relatively new to lifting, maxes are S: 62.5 kg, B: 27 kg, D: 80 kg

Before I started lifting, I would do 3 Bailey Brown YouTube videos with a resistance band every day: this one, this one, and this one. They're pretty much just banded glute activation exercises: donkey kicks, lying hip abductions, and quadruped hip extensions. When I started lifting, I just never took them out of my routine, but I do them in the morning and I lift in the afternoon, so I don't know if they actually work as activation. All 3 videos take about 30 minutes.

Since I've been doing them for a year now and can no longer progress in terms of resistance, are they no longer useful? I'm hesitant to cut them out in case they've helped prevent injuries or led to increased glute activation while lifting, and because Bret Contreras found that banded "pumper" exercises 6 days a week led to substantial functional muscle size.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
@ledgekay I went to a PT last year and they recommended I not use weights til I could do a certain exercise without losing my balance.

He basically told mr I'm stronger on one side and wanted me to even out because this was what caused my knee pain.

So I guess it depends. I slacked off but my knees did stop hurting
@gracy225 I had a similar experience. PT last year due to an old sports injury flaring up. One side of my body was over-compensating and causing the misalignment & pain.

My physiotherapist said I needed to build strength/muscle, but to start with bands before even considering weights. I needed to ensure I had proper form and balance. And that even when eventually moving on to weights/lifting, to continue to incorporate the band exercises as warm-ups because it's still activating those muscles.
@ledgekay Glute band exercises are always useful because we all sit too much. It prevents injuries. You don’t necessarily need to follow these workouts. You can come up with your own routine.
@ledgekay Finally. A time has come where my username can SHINE!!!!

Lol, I remember a few years ago when Glute Activation was the “thing“ in the fitness industry. That’s when these Glute band companies started to boom. Thought it was just a gimmick. Technically, you don’t really need them. But honestly they’re fun to incorporate and switch things up. Use them as warm-up exercises before you left heavy. It really helps stimulate that mind/muscle connection. On your exhaustion days, you can also use them to do burnouts at the end of your glute day exercises.
@ledgekay I have this comment saved so I can copy/paste where necessary. Let’s not advertise for that asshole.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Bret Contreras is a dirt bag trash human. Don’t give him social follows, don’t buy anything from him, etc etc. Info in the FAQ here or you can Google it. Use his workouts for free if you must but there are many other trainers with glute knowledge and plans, including one of the woman he abused, Sohee Lee. Give her your attention instead. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
@jaz2001 I have no idea who he is, but I'll make sure to not use his stuff if I see it. Sohee Lee is awesome, her content is so helpful. I've incorporated her tips into my workouts that have made it a better experience.
@jaz2001 100% agree- BC sucks as a person, but unfortunately it’s hard to find studies about glutes from a different source. I only referenced him to properly credit the article, since I’m wondering if glute band exercises are actually helpful for hypertrophy.
@ledgekay I’d rather not know than get my info from him, personally, but I’ve seen Henry Cavill using bands so I’d say they’re helpful. I don’t really use them myself, I focus more on heavy lifts with progressive overload.
@ledgekay I throw some banded stuff in between my workouts honestly, I’ll superset them with my squats or my deadlifts! In one of my plans I did a squat then a banded lateral side to side, like everyone else mentioned it helped a lot with mind to muscle connection! It also just helps you activate in between with some added stretching!
@ledgekay As someone going through physical therapy now for a knee injury.. don’t stop doing them. Use them as a warm up before your lifts. Idk what they have you do in the videos but clamshells, banded squats, monster walks and calf raises are amazing for preventing injury. I avoided these and now I’m paying for it haha
@ledgekay I totally went through a phase where I thought I “outgrew” using bands, but as I’ve advanced in my lifting I’ve come to rely on them a lot, especially for activation/injury prevention. For example, as my squats got heavier, I starting dealing with awful hip issues that stemmed from weak glutes. Now I ALWAYS warm up on leg days with specific activation exercises with the band and don’t have as many issues. Just something to keep in mind! Also nice for a burn out at the end for abductors which imo respond nicely to high rep shit
@cbtry Absolutely!!! I’ll start with either monster walks or lateral band walks. And then before I squat I’ll do squats while wearing just the band with a few seconds above parallel, and then pausing at the bottom of the squat. I learned about it in this squat university video:
Go to like 7:53 for the band/squat thing I mentioned.
I’ll also do banded body weight hip thrusts on the ground to activate my glutes as well, while really focusing on pushing against the bands. My hamstrings are a bit stronger/ more developed than my glutes, so they’ll take over if I’m not being mindful. Which really bit me in butt (literally lol) with some weak ass glutes for awhile. But they’re coming along again which is nice!!!
@endo Thank you so much! Sometimes there so much information out there I get like decision paralysis figuring out what I should do for my warmup. I'm gonna watch that video and start incorporating more of a routine!
@cbtry Totally understand!! One thing I’ve found helps with the paralysis is doing your research not just on the issue itself, but also on the sources of your info. No one’s perfect, but if you find reputable people with research/science backgrounds that continue to incorporate new findings into what they have to say, it can be a little easier. I love listening to podcasts like iron culture or watching videos from Jeff nippard or mike israetel
Oh and if you’re looking for something maybe a tad less bro-y, I really like Laurin conlin’s podcast the team locofit show. Full disclosure I worked with Laurin and her team for my bodybuilding show so maybe I’m biased, but I love their approach to fitness and health
@ledgekay It’s good for the mind muscle connection! Look up some dynamic stretches to do before leg day and then add in the band work (don’t go to failure) just to warm up the glutes! Good luck. That’s awesome that you’re starting so young!
@ledgekay Use bands to help glute activation before your lifts like squats or deadlifts. You can do some accessory work with cables after your heavy lifts to help progress glue gains. After the accessory work you could burn out with your bands but I don’t think that’s entirely necessary anymore!