When did this sub start becoming r/vegansgonewild

@emotionlesstruth To aid mobile users, I'll link small subreddits not yet linked in the comments

/r/vegansgonewild: [NSFW]

[sup]I[/sup] [sup]am[/sup] [sup]a[/sup] [sup]bot[/sup] [sup]|[/sup] [sup]Mail[/sup] [sup]BotOwner[/sup] [sup]|[/sup] [sup]To[/sup] [sup]aid[/sup] [sup]mobile[/sup] [sup]users,[/sup] [sup]I'll[/sup] [sup]link[/sup] [sup]small[/sup] [sup]subreddits[/sup] [sup]not[/sup] [sup]yet[/sup] [sup]linked[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]the[/sup] [sup]comments[/sup] [sup]|[/sup] [sup]Code[/sup] [sup]|[/sup] [sup]Ban[/sup] [sup]-[/sup] [sup]Help[/sup]
@emotionlesstruth TBH, as a non vegan looking to change, this is giving me more of a reason. I want to be fit, too.

Edit: I also really like the food posts and nutrition articles. For I know nothing.
@emotionlesstruth Sorry!! I am fairly new to reddit! Have a feeling this is a sub post about my post lol

I just was excited about my fitness and wanted to share! If it was a bathing suit would it need to be NSFW too? What’s the difference between a bathing suit and underwear?
@redruthie7889 In r/progresspics the rule is to have it NSFW if torso/midriff is showing on anyone. So my understanding is that swimwear and undies both need to be tagged. I assume it would be similar for this sub.

Also congrats on your progress! 💪🏻 🌱
@redruthie7889 It's not just about you unfortunately, it's been a trend over the last couple weeks. IMHO, the question you should ask yourself when posting pics on reddit is "would I want my coworkers to see this" and if the answer is No, mark it with NSFW.

You make a good point about bikini vs underwear and I think in this instance both would be NSFW.

Keep up the hard work, it's clearly paying off.
@redruthie7889 I tried explaining it to the other poster.

I personally think it applies to anyone, not just women. There’s no difference between underwear or a bathing suit either.

The issue is more if there’s no guidelines or rules set, like in Fitness or Progress Pics, the sub will get an influx of thirsty fuckers and he conversation will go from advice on vegan fitness, progress, and discussion, to people only commenting when a ripped guy or girl posts a selfie.

I don’t care if it’s a man or woman, (or X) posting, the quality of conversation will go down because of the lurkers just waiting for pics.
@emotionlesstruth This board has always had a fairly toxic side of non vegan bodybuilder enthusiasts who come to gawk as well as narcissists looking for attention from their gains that they arent getting in their bumpkin town. There are better communities for sure. Find them.
@nasrani I cant tell if the narcissism is run of the mill or next-level around here after checking /top around here

/r/fitness has a specific day dedicated to physique pictures to cut down on the NSFW bullshit posts. Why cant we do something similar?

Be happy in your body but let's try to make this a decent subreddit filled with good information about vegan fitness rather than instagram LTE
@emotionlesstruth myself i just assume any progress pic is going to in as little clothing as possible, do you consider work out attire undies? bathing suits? where do you mentally draw the line?I only ask cause Ive seen people take huge issue with someone in their bra and undies but not a sports bra and bathing suit bottoms.. which I find silly.since I never care I dont mind if its marked nsfw.

not saying youre one of them but theres a ton of jealous fuckers on here today shitting all over someones body because they obviously are ripped and look good.. Ive never received anything but support here sad to see so much jealously..
@emotionlesstruth I can help people with understanding whether or not their pictures are nsfw but due to time constraints I am only able to help women at this time.

I shouldn't have to point out the obvious, So I won't other than this.