When did you guys really see a strong noticeable difference in your physiques? After 3 months? 6 months? 9 months?

@natasreficul As it's said somewhere else (wiki? FAQ?), I noticed changes in how I perform the RR in about two weeks, started to notice a change in my body after about one month, a friend who knows I'm doing BWF said my back was a little bigger after 2 months, and a friend that didn't know about it said I was thinner (eating somewhat healthier helps a lot) after about 3 months
@natasreficul 3-6 months, it was post injury (started from scrap tho just had more starting strength). I was super motivated from warp up through whole day nutrition and it was best period of my training career lol. rapid strength progress and even fatloss at the same time. and I was still doing bodyweight only pull ups, dips, push ups, core work + some OHP and cable rows in gym once a week
@natasreficul Three months in I personally saw huge change and a few close friends and coworkers started noticing.

Around six months in I continued seeing impressive change and my friends started (I hope jokingly) accusing me of using steroids.

Around nine months in I stopped personally seeing change, but still got a lot of compliments, looks, and glares.

At a year in I only see how small I am, but I'm pretty sure most people realize I work out at this point. I have however met some truly clueless overweight people.