When did you guys really see a strong noticeable difference in your physiques? After 3 months? 6 months? 9 months?

@natasreficul That's the thing though man. Don't compare yourself to other people. Fitness is your own personal journey and everybody progresses differently

Just make sure you're training hard and smart !
@cloud7eagle Agreed. Comparison is death. You have completely different genetics, diet, workout history, etc than anyone else in the gym. Results doing the EXACT workout and even diet will vary upon the individual. Try not to compare yourself to anyone else it ruins the present for you. Sounds like some Mindfulness bs but it is very very true.
@natasreficul I did 4 months at the gym with the big 4 for my noob gains and then 3 months of bodyweight fitness later my posture was fixed and everyone started commenting on the change.
@eurombrem Posture was such a big improvement. It's funny because the advice to just stand up straight never worked, but shortly after I started working out it just fixed itself. Probably the best result of keeping up with a fitness routine.
@eurombrem Posture is something I don't see discussed alot. I've been doing this 2 months now and can already notice posture improvements, which have reduced my neck and shoulder tension.
@natasreficul Ha for me it was like 2 years. I was skinny fat and the negatives phase took like 6 months. Anyway, I'm not crazy about working out, and still have to cut like 8 kg of bodyweight. I think it will be more noticeable then.

For me, 5 years ago I was not able to hold from the bar for more than a few seconds. Now it throw 5 pull ups like nothing (well not like nothing) in a good day. My shoulders width almost doubled. Most clothes won't fit anymore. But you cant actually see the gains. I don't need to show off, I just do bwf to help my lower back pain, which is working great because nowadays I can lock all my torso and lift things that in the past would have left me crying in the floor and my back inflamed so bad it would look like an additional ass cheek.

So fuck gains and looks, I'm all for health
@natasreficul I started working out before my girlfriend left for a one month study exhange. At least she noticed it instantly when she got back :)

From your own point of view "Strong noticeable difference" is hard to define because the progress is so linear. You are always only one month stronger than you were a month ago. But, you should be seeing a noticeable difference every month.