Which plan is best?


New member
Hello, 15yo ~180cm ~50kg new to the gym here.
I started 2 weeks ago, my uncle has made me a plan but today a guy approached me and told me some exercises arent the best for begginers. He gave me his plan made for people like me. Now im confused, which one is better? My goal is mainly to build muscle.

Plan from my uncle: 3-4 sets 10-12 reps depending on exercise:

Day 1: lat pulldown (cable), dumbbell row, pull up (assisted), bicep curl (dumbbell), bicep curl (cable)

Day 2: deadlift (hex bar), leg press horizontal (machine), seated leg curl (machine), leg extension (machine), standing calf raise (smith machine)

Day 3: bench press (dumbbell/barbell), incline chest press (machine), seated overhead press (dumbbell), chest fly (machine), triceps pushdown

And the plan from the guy: 2-3 sets 6-10 reps

Trening 1:
Leg curl
Leg press
Incline DB bench press
Dumbbell flys
Barbell row
lat pulldown
D handles row
Overhead tricep extension
Hammer curl
Lateral raise

Trening 2:
Leg curl
Incline DB bench press
Lat pulldown
Row w elbows flared out
Row for lats
Tricep pushdown
Preacher curl
Lateral raise on a machine

Trening 3:
Leg curl
Prsysiad na smithie
Incline DB bench press
Dumbbell flys
Row for lats
Row w elbows flared out
Lat pulldown
Preacher curls machine
Lateral raise on a machine/dumbbell
@flyinq Uhhh, the guy who gave you the plan randomly doesn’t really seem to know what’s up lol. I’d say out of the 2 “uncle plan” is superior lol
@artofmcw Nice lol
But the guy told me if i wanted to stay with the uncle plan, i should change it a bit
For example hammer curls instead of one of the bicep curls or something else instead of deadlift

Should i listen to him?
@flyinq I’ll have to look at this a bit later when I have more time (I’m just heading into the gym). You can send me a dm if you’d like (so I don’t forget)!
@flyinq Day 1: lat pulldown (cable), dumbbell row, pull up (assisted), bicep curl (dumbbell), hammer curl (dumbbell)

Day 2: leg extension (machine), seated leg curl (machine), leg press horizontal (machine), standing calf raise (smith machine)

Day 3: incline chest press (machine), bench press (dumbbell/barbell), seated overhead press (dumbbell), chest fly (machine), triceps pushdown

I just took the workouts you provided and re-adjusted them to what I believe to be a more "optimized" rotation. Are you only wanting to workout 3 days per week?
@artofmcw Yeah only 3 times
Thanks for the change, i will try it

Also a question - looks like there's no incline chest press machine at my gym (i live in a small city, so gyms arent the best either) and i have to change it to something else.
Any recommendations?
@flyinq I would say do some form of incline press (if you’re comfortable with free weights). I do 3 pressing variations on my clavicular intensive push day
@flyinq I like your uncles program better. The exercise selection is better, although I'd say lat pulldowns and assisted pull ups are redundant, and I'd switch one of them to a cable row. The other guys routine has day 2 with lat pulldown and an elbow flaired row, which is also redundant.

The main difference between the two is your uncles routine is a 3 day Push/Pull/Legs, and the other guys is a 3 day total body. To see the best results, you should work each muscle 2 to 3x a week. Your uncles would work best if you're doing 6 days a week, while the other guys you probably don't want to go more than 3x a week.
@flyinq Truthfully, you can do either. You'll probably see the most gains from the other guys program though. The best way to maximize potential in a program is to work a muscle 2 to 3 times a week. With a full body routine, 3 times a week, with rest days in between, you'll get that. It's a good choice.

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