Why don’t I feel anything when doing RDL’s?


New member
I know it’s hard to give advice about this without seeing my form but when I do RDL’s I literally don’t feel anything. I’ve gotten advice on my form, I’ve watched countless videos, etc but I don’t feel anything in any part of my body doing them. I keep my back straight, head tucked in, barbells in front/slightly to the side, core engaged BUT I FEEL NOTHING :( I don’t feel it in my hamstrings, butt, back (I know you’re not supposed to feel it in your back but I just don’t even feel anything there)
@francislhevinn Do you tend to do them towards the end of your workouts? that could make it harder to feel them due to a pump or excess fatigue.

I’d suggest dropping the weight significantly like grab 5 kgs dumbbells and stretch to the floor to understand where and how you’re supposed to feel it. This isn’t the exercise replacement but rather a way to learn how its supposed to feel
@francislhevinn Can try taking them closer to failure, RDLs are notoriously under pushed. I also didn’t feel much from them for a while until I started actually taking them close to failure. Now just one hard set will wreck me. Here’s a recent hard set, this was 2 days ago and my glutes are still sore. Vid looks like it was kinda challenging but nothing special. But in reality, the set felt like hell even after the first rep. Biggest thing for me has just been taking uncomfortable weights and just trusting that I can move it. Difference between my RDLs now and RDLs years ago isn’t technique, but effort. That set of 10 was with almost 70% of my true conventional deadlift (from the floor) max, which is a much higher percentage than I used to do for even sets of 6. I would suspect that most people are in the same boat of just going way too light or too few reps
@francislhevinn in order to really learn how to hip hinge you need to do the PVC pipe drill (or broomstick drill), look it up, and keep in mind to push your butt back like you are closing a door until you feel the stretch in the hamstrings.

then go and do some hip thrust or bridges squeezing as hard as possible at the top 10-20 reps and then go into RDLs
@francislhevinn Are you doing BB, DB or KB? If DB or KB, are they one leg? They all require a different set up. This is one of my favorite exercises next to renegade rows and hip thrusts! I prefer the one leg RDL’s with a Kettlebell.

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