Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

@bldssphq That normal class depiction is off. The two a day structure is what doesn't work well as the norm. Focus on a metcon or a strength piece.
Also, physiology, the neuroendocrine response and other hiring levels fir performance drop off steep after 60 minutes.

Sticking to the charter works. Mechanics > consistency > intensity

Edit. My vote is for 60-minutes
@bldssphq 95% of athletes that are paying for CrossFit programming are average people just trying to remain fit and healthy. You’re talking about the kind of programming more advanced athletes (such as coaches) would benefit from. If a gym has plenty of high level athletes they may run a high performance 90min class. This type of class would also require a higher level coach, a basic level 1 coach would not suffice. I would suggest that majority of gyms do not have enough high level athletes or coaches to program this type of class.
@bldssphq My box does 45 minute classes. You can stay or come early for extra stuff but their workout generally is 45 minutes from warmup to death. I like the format.
@bldssphq There's a lot of argument about whether you can give both a strength section and a retcon section the appropriate intensity if you're routinely doing both. CrossFit is about intensity (most of the time - there are important exceptions). So, routinely having 90 minutes just to make space for more intensity is counter productive.
@bldssphq The 60 minute class is why I left CrossFit and workout on my own now. You get so little volume in that my fitness was actually getting worse going to 5-6 classes per week. The reason this will never change is because most people taking classes are normal people who don’t want to spend more time exercising and just want to feel like they sweat
@bldssphq We used to have 75min classes at our box and I still miss it. Way more time to warm up properly, technique or for longer metcons. During Covid we switched to 60min + 15min break (to ensure some air circulation and one class not meeting next class).

Now that we have 60min classes back to back I miss the extra time. It was very valuable to give (as coach) or receive (as member or Coach) feedback, accessory work or chat with people - especially important for new members.

I also get that 90min is too long and that there is something really nice about only being there one hour (+maybe 10min).
@bldssphq Find yourself a gym that programs extra side work that compliments the weekly WODs. Said gym should have open gym times and/or enough space and daily classes to allow people to come and go all day to do said side work. Shoutout to John and Crista at Northstate CrossFit who do exactly this! Thanks guys.
@bldssphq By adding 30 minutes of time you added 35 minutes of exercise! You see for yourself that your comparison is made up to meet your feeling/preference…
@bldssphq To be honest I do believe that most boxes run their class schedules wrong and the customer isn’t getting what they pay for. How many coaches waste time at the board or by extending the warmup longer then it should? I see it all the time. I’ve not started the strength portion of the class until twenty minutes after class started. Then hit a quick WOD. And you’re numbers are correct. In that hour you’re not getting that big of a workout in that’ll change anything.

That’s why I love when I go to my late morning class and stay for open gym till noon class starts. Do a quick cool down post WOD, then jump right into an hour or so straight of accessory work.

There have been many days I’ve shown up and been like this is it? Show up early and stretch. Be ready to go! Don’t chat so long that you put your class to sleep. If it takes that long to explain then something is wrong with your explaining or your athletes need the foundations class. You should be starting strength within 10mins in my opinion. And finishing off the WOD by a quarter till. Leaves time for a short accessory piece or mobility.
@bldssphq I do CrossFit because I hate myself and want to be in and out, in as much pain as possible, as quickly as possible. Also the only time slots at my box were 5am and that’s too long too early to be doing all that extra stuff. I see your point and respect the data behind it though, just an hour easier to fit into the schedule
@bldssphq I feel the. Lasses are more for us normal folk, and once you’re actually getting serious you may do classes but also do your own workouts in open gym