Working Out Diet


New member
Hey all, I was hoping to get some advice with getting on the vegan fitness train properly. I’ve been plant based for 4 years now and for the most part eat decent homemade food with the occasional take away as I’m sure most do.

I’m ramping up my activity levels and would like to optimise my diet a bit and get an idea of what will help.

I’ve read the plant based power plan and worked out my BMR at 1668 - it says to multiply that by my PAL value to get my calorie intake (took a guess at 1.8) which is coming out considerably higher than expected.

Current activity is:

Monday - Bwf Recommended Routine + 1.5 hours driving range.

Tuesday - 18 holes golf carrying on a hilly course.

Wednesday - Bwf Recommended Routine + 1.5 hours driving range.

Thursday - 18 holes golf carrying on a hilly course.

Friday - 18 holes golf carrying on a hilly course.

Saturday - Bwf Recommended Routine

Sunday - Rest

I’m a 36M / 178cm / 73KG

Am I overestimating my PAL value to work out my calorie intake? I’m a big eater and a keen chef but would love to learn more on how you guys have gone about optimising your diets!

Thanks x
@dubschanging Oh wow just as easy as that then! Nice one pal, I’ll give it a whirl. Think I’ve managed to overcomplicate things a touch with all the info I’ve ingested recently.