Workouts that don’t push limits

@jg_lrd I have had a super similar experience! My entire life since middle school, I got migraines after exercising very regularly. It was frustratingly hard to predict, because I’d often feel just fine during the workout, and then a migraine would just come on suddenly, even when I hadn’t felt overheated or exhausted.

Then by chance I joined a gym that used a heart rate monitor, and within like a week I could see very cleeelt that if my heart rate stayed above a threshold for too long, it would trigger a migraine very reliably.

This gym had monitors up where you could see your heart rate, so I could easily and quickly see when I got too high and immediately rest.

My exercise migraines decreased significantly. I actually was able to lose weight finally and build muscle. I felt like I got my life back. I do still get them sometimes, but usually when an exercise space is too hot. But overall the frequency is way down and I feel much more in control.
@saeglite I've had the same experiences as both of you, so this is incredibly validating and helpful to read what's worked for you. It's been frustrating for me because I swam (hence username lol) competitively through DI level and after college, took up running and completed several half marathons before getting into CrossFit. And then: migraines with almost any exercise where I push myself. Cardio, weights, you name it. Migraines have stopped me so many times from getting back into my fitness journey and at this point, a couple years after having a baby, I'm incredibly out of shape and so far from who I once was. I feel defeated. To make matters worse, the advice I've always gotten is to drink more electrolytes or avoid caffeine; neither seems to be the root cause, but the heart rate thing could very well be it. This is giving me new things to try and look out for. Thank you.
@heartoftherighteous I use the app “HeartWatch” with my Apple watch and you can set it to alert you when your heart rate is at a certain percent of your max. I think it’s $5 for lifetime purchase. A few parts could be a lil easier (you have to turn the alert on every time you turn a workout on), but now that I know the heart rate I’m avoiding it’s indispensable for me.
@panozaa_allbet I’m 100% with you—I can’t handle workouts that make you go harder or lift heavier. I just want to work out consistently and sustainably for my heart, mental health, and bone health these days.

I like Caroline Girvan on YouTube (and now with her own app that I haven’t tried yet)—she’s a fantastic trainer who has put so much thought into her programming. I just completed her Epic Heat program, the only one I’ve ever done all the way through because I only recently discovered her and I felt so relieved to find a trainer that fit my style of working out. (There’s a little HIIT in there, but I’d often skip it or just do something else for that set.)

One of the biggest bonuses is that she doesn’t talk after the intro where she explains the workout! No “push harder” or “go faster”. She often even says in the beginning to go slow. It’s been such a breath of fresh air!
@andrewroxsox I love Caroline girvan's videos, and the fact they're basically all free on YouTube is a huge perk, I noticed a major difference in my body following along with them!
@dawn16 Honestly, I could walk for hours if I had the time and space. Sometimes I wonder who gets more out of the walk- me or my dog. It’s one form of exercise I’ve consistently done for literally decades.
@panozaa_allbet You could try Evlo program. It’s a program by a physical therapist named Shannon Ritchey. She is all about “gentle consistency” and being good to your body and joints.
@panozaa_allbet The Downdog yoga app has a subscription that's affordable and IMO very worth it. Besides yoga it also includes a HIIT and barre app. You can adjust each session to be easier or harder or work on whatever you want that day.
@dawn16 Yessssss its an incredible app and the sessions you get are so ridiculously customized to your physical needs. I usually hate group classes or workout videos because I'm very picky about someone's way of speaking or their voice when exercising (dumb, I know), and being able to customize that as well breally works for me.
@vinceman2 Yes! I forgot that one. If you haven't already you should also check out Insight Timer. It's another really good meditation app. They have guided meditations from various instructors, and some of them are really good. Some of my favorites were the yoga nidra ones for sleep.