X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

@lawranick I started going to the gym after losing about 20 lbs. From 135 to 115. And I realised I still wasn't happy with how I looked. So to the gym I went. I started with stronglifts 5x5 because that is what my SO was doing. Turns out there was a powerlifting club at the gym and I was encouraged to join by one of the trainers. Now I lift on a program called Sheiko, it's intense but really rewarding. In the 8 months I've been lifting seriously I have joined the 500 lbs club for my lifts the combined PR for squat, bench, deadlift. Which is competitive at 52kg, my weight class.

If you've got more specific questions fire away! My first full competition is in May, but I took part in a charity event in January which was run the same way.
@dekkiw I have seen many people on reddit have success with Stronglifts. Perhaps I could start there. I would like to increase strength at this point.
@lawranick I liked it because it was easy to follow and told me exactly what to do for sets and weights. The free app is great for tracking and it times your rest periods which is awesome if you are working alone, like I was. Once your weights get higher 5lb increments every workout isn't feasible, you might need to get 1lb plates for increases on overhead press or bench. It is an excellent beginner program for powerlifting.
@lawranick I saw this thread over on the fitness subreddit as well. Thanks for adding the maintenance pics, it does help ease my eyes from the transition to the more or less normal looking starting you to the ripped AF bod in your competition photo, haha. You did an amazing job!
@giantgardener Yes, I realized I wasn't helping to make my point without showing maintenance. I had hoped that by emphasizing that my goals were to compete, people would see that I had obviously gone above and beyond what was necessary to be fit.
@lawranick I read your thread over in /r/fitness before it got locked. Sorry you got so many troll responses. I found this to be super impressive/inspiring, and I'm interested in hearing a bit about your individual exercise list you offered to post in the comments.
@aquavista2693 This and a few other post responses to r/fitness is why I'm unsubbing. It's become a place for the weak of body and intellect to put others down, which is frustrating because it's such a waste of potential. For a while I stopped even bothering to read the comments because I knew what I'd find, and now I'm over t completely.
@nesterg That thread was so irritating. How can anyone in a fitness sub not realize the difference between bodybuilding competition photos and real life, or realize that it's rude to say "I liked you better before"? (and there's a HUGE difference between saying that and saying that these particular photos weren't the best choice for getting her point across, though I don't necessarily agree with that point) And then there's the whole angle of people who seem to be male talking about how they think women will react to the pictures. I just can't.

And seriously, on what planet is she bulky? OP is so small! She's just well defined and vascular. gah.
@nesterg It's definitely been invaded by a lot of people who feel other's fitness is an attack on them somehow. I've noticed this myself losing weight and toward other friends who lose weight people have this attitude of "oh, you think you're so much better than me". No, shockingly, I lost weight to feel better about myself rather than to spite you.

Anyway, I feel a little uncomfortable posting here because I'm a dude and I respect this is an xx forum and don't want to intrude, but I wanted to say something positive after all that BS negativity (and also, I'm curious about her exercises)