YoE interesting data


New member
I'm (42M/5'8/181lbs) on Month 3 of YoE and just wanted to share some interesting data. I've done a 4x1k row, with a variety of rests, three times now over the last month and half. Feb 13th was programmed as a YoE workout, the two March workouts were programmed at my box.
  1. 2/13/2021 4x1k/1:00r - 16:30.1 total rowing time (4:09.4, 4:06.7, 4:07.6, 4:06.3)
  2. 3/1/2021 - 4x1k/2.00r - 16:04.4 total rowing time (4:01.0, 4:00.9, 4:00.8, 4:01.7)
  3. 3/29/2021 - 4x1k/1:30r - 15:42.2 total rowing time (3:55.6, 3:55.8, 3:56.3, 3:54.5)
Every time I feel down about myself post-WOD because masked workouts are still a thing (and horrible), I can look at this progress and feel pretty damn pleased with the actual improvements I'm seeing.
@lizatola Oh yeah, they’re great till they aren’t....I find that after a certain point, my mask is so soaked with sweat that the fabric is too heavy for the frame to maintain its integrity and it just suffocates me.