Your Foolproof Guide to Training - Vol. 1, Issue 1

@myriamdo78 On any of the days you can swap pull ups for rows and dips for presses. In future posts we will add more movements.

With the jump rope you could either do steady state work or if you wanted to get creative you could do speed work with the same structure as the conditioning
@dawn16 Right now our own training plans are different from this particular post but not by much.

You could add more accessory work with lighter weights and/or add cardio for 20m+ per session
@tristana Welcome!

We usually recommend resting as needed. That could be anywhere from 1-5 minutes, but I would only do 5 minutes if you felt like the set was an enormous effort.
@tristana Great question! We’re actually working on a training plan for this exact situation.

You’ve got two options:
  • Depending on other equipment you have access too you can substitute any other movement. If you have barbells, you would do the barbell versions. If not, you could use bodyweight variations - push ups, shrimp squats, broomstick rows (r/bodyweightfitness is helpful for finding the right skills here)
  • You can use your kettlebell and perform the skills on the same schedule and train somewhere between 2-6 sets within a few reps of failure. So if you can press your kettlebell 10 times you would do multiple sets of 6-8 reps. If you can squat it 25 times you might do multiple sets of 15-20 reps.
Option 1 is generally better because it will be closer to the right intensity, but either option will get you training - and that’s the most important part 🙂
@ngie Thanks! Didn’t feel gassed after - maybe I’m more advanced than I thought, so I did a 10 circuit. 40 secs on, 20 secs off.