Youtube Dance Workouts

@ifyoubelieveme Videos like this were key to me starting to work out after lockdown hot. I actually started with 80s and 90s dance aerobics work outs. It felt silly and fun to hole up in my room with an old school workout, but it got me moving and helped me jumpstart the last 10lbs of weight I’ve been holding on to for the last year.
@ifyoubelieveme This post is awesome! I’m getting a bit burnt out with my current at home cardio workouts and I’ve been wanting to try dancing or Zumba for a while. I’ll check these out :)
@godislove32 Would not recommend supporting The Studio or their owner… She treats her employees terribly both financially and emotionally. So many members & instructors leave because of her narcissistic attitude and she steals choreography from other Youtubers allegedly
@ifyoubelieveme I started my YouTube dance journey with mylee dance. Mostly because I love the music and the energy of the dances and the choreographer is so cute and you can tell she really loves her channel and dance.
@ifyoubelieveme Oh this is excellent! Thank you!

Last night I was watching Hamilton for the 18 millionth time and was just thinking of how I'd love to take a cool dance class and whether there were good YouTube videos.
@ifyoubelieveme Thank you so much! I’m so excited to try the ballet one. My gym was able to finally open up recently but I have no motivation to go and have been wanting to try new workouts at home, since it’s hard to drive to the gym when I work from home now. This is a fantastic resource!