fitness after 30

  1. T

    What’s a great 6 day weight training split or approach?

    Mid 40’s male. Weight training for 8 months. Seeing progress in weight loss and strength. Eating about 1800-1900 calories average a day. Watching macros. Building muscle and burning fat are the goals. I’m not looking to be a body builder just stronger, more energy and more defined. I basically...
  2. P

    [xpost from r/fit]: Redditors over 30, who go to the gym/workout before your 9 to 5 job, is it worth it?

    I personally have only attempted this a few times in the past 5 years (currently 36 yo) and never hit the weights in the morning regularly after college. The few times in the past 5 years where I have lifted weights w/in 2 hours of being awake, I had poor work outs and one time really...
  3. B

    How does everyone balance all their fitness needs as you age?

    I’m recently a first time father and, as someone who’s been far too lazy for far too long (to the tune of 230 pounds at 5’9”), I want to get healthy and be here as long as possible for my child. My question is how? I’ve recently gotten back into exercising a bit with bands and doing some cardio...
  4. H

    I’m starting my workout journey. I’m a 6’3”, 230lbs male. I’d like to slim down to around 200lbs with muscle. Any tips?

    Should I use any supplements or protein powders? Should I focus on cardio first to lose weight before building muscle?
  5. L

    Almost 40 and in the best shape of my life

    After Pilates purists got too annoying over on that sub, Im switching here. It’s been a little over 2 years doing basically only low impact Lia Bartha/B The Method app and I just got my physical. Body fat down dramatically, my lower back pain is completely gone and I’m in better shape now than...
  6. A

    Fitness Plan Questions

    I’m currently 24% body fat according to the US Navy calculator. My goal is to get under 20%. I’ve downloaded myfitness pal and to track my calories. In addition to making adjustments to my diet, I’ll be rowing and have a set of resistance bans to use. I understand that my goal will mostly be...
  7. S

    May have to stop being a natty, testosterone finally checked and way low

    55M, 212lbs 5'10" tall, waist 36" and have been experiencing, in my own opinions, good muscle growth. However, I have to force myself (the results have helped maintain consistency) despite overall feeling of low energy anytime I'm not on a pre-workout supplement (which I cannot use more than...
  8. T

    Anyone here gone to a physical therapist for shoulder pain? Can they discover the problem without an X-ray?

    I have a minor shoulder issue that does not seem very serious, but it affects my workouts and I can feel some slight pain every now and then. I really just want to not make things worse. Once the corona virus things subside (hopefully) then i hope to go to a physical therapist or some type of...
  9. U

    Seeking strength programming recommendations for 52y/o finishing Greyskull LP w/ Phraks variant

    I've been lifting on and off for a few years, but never for more than a few months at a time. After about an 18-month break I restarted Greyskull LP in late August and have seen my numbers go up steadily until recently using a 3x/w schedule. However, as I'm starting to get failed sets and...
  10. R

    3 Month GZCL-P Progress Report (745lbs-915lbs) M/36/6'0 (205lbs - 192lbs)

    Hey /r/fitness30plus, I originally posted this to /r/fitness but considering there was a recent discussion about more quality posts in this sub, I thought I would try posting here as well. I am proud of my progress and I did my best to record it. TLDR Been active for most of my life. Always...
  11. B

    Deadlift alternative - avoid back pain

    Hi. I’m currently following r/fitness’s absolute beginner workout. I haven’t been to the gym in a few years and I was always able to deadlift but now I get a sharp back pain. I stopped doing them, because my gym doesn’t have a trap bar. I’m waiting for a doctors appointment to see what he...
  12. S

    TIL that 220 - age is pure fiction

    Today I was doing a balanced distance/speed walk. I was trying out a new blister prevention regimen and things were going well so I was moving pretty fast and added some distance. There’s a point on my return route where I will pick up the pace if I’m feeling good and today I was feeling very...
  13. A

    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    I’ve done nothing but gain weight since turning 30 and getting married and I’ve got to change What’s do I need to be aware of nutritionally compared to when I was younger? My goal is to put on a lot muscle and lean out and just feel better than I ever have I don’t have access to a gym or free...
  14. S

    Update: My Zone 2 5K time is 39 mins

    Update on my post from a couple days ago. Took what everyone said into consideration and slowed down my next 5k way down into zone 2 only. Took me just under 40 minutes to do 5k at almost 8:00/km pace! My zone 4 pace is about 5:15-5:20/km...
  15. D

    32 about to be 33 and I’m a BMI of 35.9. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing

    I’m about to be 33 and I generally have no idea how to work out. Similarly if you look through my posting history this year was a big year for me. The previous year I did 1 year without alcohol, got promoted, and moved out. I’m back drinking again but it’s by choice. But I am on my own...
  16. G

    Got to get rid of the last 15-20 lbs, advice?

    I really buckled down this year and changed my diet/lifestyle. Before my second kid was born, I was in very poor shape. I wasn’t working out, eating poorly, sleeping irregularly, etc. I finally forced my self to see a weight loss specialist and we built a plan that let me cut down from 250+...
  17. G

    Help a busy dad stay sexy?

    Hey y’all, I’m a busy dad with newborn twins (with colic and reflux) and a toddler. Pre-twins I wasn’t super strong but I was proud of it. V9 boulderer, strong 1arm pull-up, 20 1arm pushups, pistol +45 lbs., love barbels but never got serious because of constraints. 5’9”, 173 lbs, 35. Time...
  18. E

    Is three weeks of the gym worth it?

    Backstory: I have been travelling for 7 months. I haven't been able to attend a gym in that time as I am moving around so often. Before I travelled, I had been going to the gym 0-4x per week for like 20-30 minutes for over two years. I had a back injury a few years ago and this regular yet easy...
  19. R

    Critique My Routine

    Hey, all. I'm fairly good with my current routine but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything. Don't say burpees. Stats: M 45, 6'1" 205 lbs, highest weight 240, lowest 197, 40" around belly button. size 34 pants, large t-shirts. Goals: Weight loss (currently stalled) l, looking good...
  20. V

    Gradated clear water bottles?

    Looking for links to some of those big clear water bottles with the time measurement marks on them for my 65-year-old dad, who’s terrible about remembering to stay hydrated. I’m looking for more plain “masculine” styles; most of the bottles I’ve seen are really girly-looking or have silly...