
  1. K

    Help please! How much calories should i take for lean muscle gain?Is US navy method correct for body fat?

    Age- 30 years Height- 165cm Weight- 57kg Activity- 5 days a week workout I have belly fat and side fat, i want to lean muscle gain and loose fat. Body Fat (U.S. Navy Method)-16.3% Body Fat Mass-9.3 kg Lean Body Mass-47.7 kg Ideal Body Fat for Given Age (Jackson & Pollock)-13.1% Body Fat to...
  2. Z

    Losing weight as a teen with unfortunate diet situation

    First of all I’m nearly 17, a little above 100kg, 1.8 odd meters tall and i can’t eat most veggies and fruits because the feel of them make me throw up. Things like apples, carrots, salad and strawberries work for me, but not oranges, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant don’t work at all...
  3. B

    Needed Advice workout routine and diet

    I 29M, 165 cms, and 72 kgs. Goal to gain muscle and get fit (probably flat tummy!) My workout: I had hand injury (boxer’s fracture, my right hand pink finger bone got dislocated) this feb, surgery done, cast removed this march, doctor advised not to lift any weights for three months . However...
  4. I

    Getting in shape as a single mom

    I’m a single mom with not much free time. I have a very active job but not anything that will “tone”. I am currently about 15 lbs over the weight I’d like to be. My schedule doesn’t allow me to go to an actual gym. At home I have a walking pad type treadmill, some 5 and 8 lb dumbbells, some...
  5. S

    Noob here. Need some help.

    I need to lose 53kg para maging normal BMI. Around 0.5-1kg/week na rate is good for me although idk really how to start kasi malayo talaga kami sa mga gym. Sa diet, kaya ko naman. Plan ko TMAD Fasting then less rice lang. May certain food lang na irerestrict(nagconsult na me sa dietitian)...
  6. C

    Healthy ba ang Smart C+?

    Sinisipon kasi ako and OTC meds aren't that effective for me, so I thought of adding this drink to my diet for it's Vit C and ask ko lang if okay naman siya? May nabasa kasi akong comment dati na may 6tbsp daw na equivalent ang sugar sa isang 500mL na Smart C+, but is this true? Alam ko naman...
  7. A

    Lifting with mono

    I just found out I have mono but have so far been asymptotic. Should I still lift if I’m lifting in the rpe 7-8 zone? I’m currently on week 5 of the JM right now and don’t want to halt my program because I already had to take a break after week 2. I was thinking of just skipping the amrap...
  8. I

    I'm 21(m) and been working out for 3months

    I'm not seeing progress and I can't tell if I'm not doing enough or 27 pound loss is enough but when will I notice bigger results? What can I do burn more 😅 and be more productive l I'm 5'11 260 pounds now Most my time is spent doing between 30 minutes to 1 hour on the stairmaster and doing...
  9. D

    BCAA d r i n k~

    My trainer trying to get me bcaa, saying some specific salt needed acc to body type so he will get and i should pay him(not buy on my own).Is this claim legit?
  10. R

    Newbie Seeking Fitness and Nutrition Guidance, 21M 60kg

    Hello everyone, 21M, 60kg, skinny. I'm planning to start my fitness journey.However, I'm a complete novice and could really use some guidance from y’ll. I've compiled a list of questions and would appreciate any insights or advice you can offer. According to my calculations using a online...
  11. C

    Need help losing weight

    So I’ve been trying to lose weight for a couple weeks now and I can’t seem to lose any fat. I’m too young to have access to a gym or e versus equipment but I’m trying to lose weight and it seems no matter how much I exercise or how healthy I eat or how much I eat I don’t lose weight so could...
  12. J

    Beware of Flipkart, they sent me adulterated/tempered products

    Please see these images:
  13. J

    Can a beginner join on 7-11 Run

    As on the title, can a beginner join to 7-11 Run. I dont plan to get the cash prizes or to win. I just want the experience. My fitness level is average, able to bike a ride for not exceeding on 150km, average speed on flats (25-30km/h). i can finish climbs on (revpal, 7 lakes loop) with few...
  14. A

    Which one is neutral grip pulldown? I started to follow the PPL plan that was made and given by @te15 . it has mentioned Lat pull down (neutral grip) 3 x 10 - 12 So I am Hella Confused which one is neutral...
  15. R

    How can I blend boxing with fat loss and muscle gain transformation

    114kg, 6ft, 24 M, Ex state boxing player. I am doing 4-5 days weight training to gain msucle and 6 days to walk 10k steps daily with 100-150g of protien intake daily with low carb and fat. I stopped taking part in boxing competitions after corono due to financial reasons and I didn't want to...
  16. L

    Can you review my program?

    Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps 3 x Bench Press (Barbel) 3 x Incline Bench Press (Barbell) 3x Strict Military Press (Barbell) 3 x Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar) 3 x Lateral Raise (Dumbbell) Legs and Core 3 Squat (Barbell) 3 Seated Leg Curl (Machine) 3x Leg Extension (Machine) 3 x Leg...
  17. H

    Need guidance for weight loss

    So hey everyone I (19M) , weight 84 kg , height 5''10" need some guidance from u guys form my weight loss . I know now u guys will go like try on your own and hit gym be consistent and all ..... Well I did try I did go to gym and also I was consistent..but the results were zero .. My diet - No...
  18. C

    Any nearby S&C facility near Makati?

    Hello r/phitness folks, Good day to y'all. I've been trying to search for a good S&C facility lately and Motion Fit lang yung nakita ko and it's in Las Piñas pa. Baka may marerecommend kayong a similar gym na malapit lapit sa Makati. Yung may assault bike din sana hehe.
  19. G

    Need help in fixing my workout plan

    going gym for around 3 months....after watching saket's video of workout plan for beginners...this is my workout plan. Day 1: Back Biceps - Lat pull downs 3 X 15 - bended rows with DB 3 X 15 - Bended Reverse flys (as there is no machine for it) 3 X 15 - Shrugs 3 X 15 - DB Curls 3 X 15 -...
  20. D

    If you want to lose weight, get clear aligners for your teeth

    I recently got myself a set of clear aligners for my teeth. It's been two weeks since and I realize that my food intake has never been this tight. On normal days pre-aligners, I used to snack at regular intervals (nothing bad though, fruits and nuts). But with the aligners on, it's not a thing...