
  1. S

    Christmas 4 Kings Workout

    Ao, I don’r know if that name exists but I called it today. Double 16kg cleans, press, rack squat and push ups then 4 21kg TGU. 5x 4. After a week off due to ahorrific sinus infection I wanted to just blast something out. I had no idea it was going to torch my quads like this. Holy snikes. I...
  2. T

    Hand stiffness and pain

    33 year old female. Kettlebells are THE exercise that make me happy. However, I’ve always had stiff hands in the mornings (pre-kettlebells) and a few months ago hurt my hands at work and stopped KB for ~8 weeks. Dad told me he has always had stiff hands in the mornings and it’s never gotten...
  3. M

    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    Background: I’ve been lifting on and off for several years, did an internship a few years back with an SFGII instructor, learned a lot about kettlebells, movement, and lifting in general. I’ve been using 5/3/1 programming for the past year, and recently wanted to focus more on programming...
  4. J

    Swinging playlists

    Hopefully this allowed since it does have something to do with kettlebells. Was curious what music, playlists everyone likes when doing workouts. I personally like more punk inspired music. But some rap gets me going too. I'm also a gamer so there is a soundtrack that really hits for me. The...
  5. A

    Podcast Recommendation | The Platform ( Also one of the first kettlebell sport podcasts out there!)

    Would like to recommend this super cool new podcast hosted by Jordan Kunde-Wright on the topic of kettlebell sport! Jordan is a kettlebell sport athlete, coach, and gym owner and on his podcast, he invites different guests from the kettlebell sport world to discuss anything and everything...
  6. I

    Weighted Dip / Chin Up Progression

    Hello all. First time poster, long time lurker here. Quick background, I workout M/W/F with a using a variant of Mark Wildman's Tetris Style (A days - C&P, TGU, Weighted Dip, B days - Swing, Squat, Weighted Chins). I've been using 5 set ladders for the dips and chins and am essentially up...
  7. B

    Finished DFW today…

    4 weeks ago my C&P RM for 22kg was 5. I had been already working on C&P through other programs so my technique was decent already. 4 weeks later after finishing DFW (with plenty of other accessories), I’m testing my one handed C&P, hoping in add a few reps to my max, and landed 10 solid presses...
  8. L

    Posting program from 48 y/o M former SFG who just wants to be healthy and strong enough

    While I’m a former SFG, I’m also a physical therapist and kettlebells have become a staple to my training. I had various injuries over my 30+ years of training and feel very healthy and solid, although I will need surgery to correct a hip deformity in the next month so I can avoid a total...
  9. L

    DFW pressing progress, for those interested in running DFW

    Info: M 6' mid-40's c.190lbs. Hadn't been working out until about 4 - 5 months ago. I've run Geoff Neupert's DFW (Dry Fighting Weight) twice. I mostly did the Remix version the first time through, and either skipped the Remix days, or did an 'Easy Strength' version the second time through...
  10. W

    The answer was always kettlebells

    I’ve had a couple 30 lb bells and a 53 lb (true 24 kg) bell sitting in my garage forever. I have been boxing and lifting heavy for several years but haven’t lifted much lately because a lot of lame reasons. Shoulder has been acting up on account of too many days in a row at the heavy bag. But I...
  11. L

    Kettlebell Conditioning Google Drive

    Hey all, I'm creating a Google Sheet that has the kettlebell conditioning workouts I've come up with. I will add to it when I have the time, but for now I have a few workouts on there that I think ya'll will like. Check it out and let me know what you think! Owen...
  12. T

    Kettlebell weight recommendation

    Searched first, went through the results, but I believe I have a special situation due to my experience/background. Age: 44, turning 45 in a month. Weight: 90 kg / 198 lbs Height: 184 cm / 6' 0" I already own a SkiErg and a RowErg. I alternate days of training with them. I also regularly...
  13. G

    Is it worthwhile upgrading?

    Hi folks, I am thinking about buying a pair of e-coat bells from Rogue. People here seem to really like them. I have a few of these vinyl coated bells and I’ve made good use of them: But I don’t have a matched pair yet; I’m intrigued by the...
  14. J

    Kettlebells and longevity

    I was listening to Tim Ferriss' podcast with Peter Attia, who is very much into longevity, and he was talking about several matters that have connections to Pavel's and Dan John's work and kettlebells. How intra-abdominal pressure actually can lengthen the spine (or fight compression), which is...
  15. H

    Program and Progression Question

    Hi! Just wanted to ask if this is a good enough program that I can do daily for General Physical Preparation for Jiujitsu. As a bonus if this can facilitate building muscle and weight loss. I’m 5’7” at 240 lbs. I do jiujitsu 2-3/ week. This is the program I wrote for myself I wanted it to be...
  16. L

    Kettlebells with Calisthenics and Running

    Hi, I have been consistent for 2 months with calisthenics (full body workout M, W, F) and running (T, T, S). Before that I was training with Kettlebells for around 3 months. But since calisthenics started, I was barely working with kettlebells ( may be once a week). I was wondering...
  17. S

    Minimalist workout

    Having worked with kettlebells for five years, I was looking for a minimalist workout that would allow me to achieve some additional muscle hypertrophy. Currently, my workout consists of 10 sets of two exercises per set, 25 reps of H2H Swings with a 32Kg kettlebell and 25 reps of One Hand...
  18. D

    King sized killer phase 2 slow progress

    Doing dfw spoiled me I think. I progress my reps weekly the whole time. Snatches progressed in phase 1 but I’ve hit a wall in phase 2. Phase 2 is the 3,6,9 then 3,6 then 3,6,9,12. I think it’s the cardio aspect that’s my main roadblock. I’m doing a fair amount of extras before each KSK...
  19. W

    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    Looking to simplify my training completely for around 2 months. Anybody apply Geoff's giant 3.0 programming to other compound lifts? I'm looking to simplify my training so will only be doing compound exercises and no isolation work. I plan to superset opposing movements e.g horizontal pressing...
  20. L

    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    I (42M) had to move home temporarily to take care of my elderly parents. I’ll be here for about 6 months, in an isolated town, so I decided I’d really try to improve my fitness, in that time. The problem is the nearest gym is 45 minutes away. I was thinking about using the gym only once a week...