question for the community

  1. K

    Please critique this 4day split workout plan

    Hi guys, i have been training for 1.5 years followed by a personal trainer in a pay-per-session gym and had great results. When i started i used to go 2 times a week, then 3 and about 2 months ago i decided that i would have liked to increase the number of times to 4 a week and maybe start...
  2. A

    I have 9 more weeks to increase my pushups by 5 and after 6 weeks at the gym, I have seen no increase. Help please!

    Hi! I got a new job that starts at the beginning of May (2 months from now) and it requires a physical test for pushups, situps, and a 1.5 mile run. In September I start 10 weeks of training where our physical test results are increased slightly. I already meet the minimums and then some for...
  3. H

    How’s my routine?

    Looking for any tips, my goal is to hit a little of everything. Is there anything I’m over/under working? Is there anything I should add? Doing a lot of machines for now until I’m completely comfortable with the motions as my job is physical so can’t afford to strain myself. I hope to switch...
  4. J

    18 F - Help designing workout routine

    Hi everyone! I (18f) am currently 138 pounds and am interested in toning up my body and losing body fat before heading to college this fall, and especially my beach trip that is in 6 weeks. I plan to exercise starting this Tuesday after my high school ap exam ends. I wanted to reach out to this...
  5. A

    How many sets per workout for ppl x arnold

    I recently wanted to try ppl x Arnold workout, but I don't know how many sets per workout could anyone tell me if this is okay? Monday Push 2x Incline dumbbell 2x flat bench 2x high to low flies 2x Shoulder press 2x lateral raise 2x tricpe pushdown 2x Jm press Tuesday Pull 2x Pulldown 3x...
  6. W

    Thoughts on new Workout Split

    Hope you're all doing well, I've been in the gym consistently for 6 months and using ULUL, training for mostly strength and now im switching to mostly hypertrophy. Just wondering if this new split im trying is too much volume for each muscle group for a 4day split. Chest(main focus)/Triceps...
  7. A

    I cannot gain muscle, no matter what I do

    I am a 6 foot male, currently 185 pounds. Goals: Before I began working out 3 years ago, I basically had 0 athletic background. I was textbook skinnyfat. I personally feel I still am. I have missed almost no workouts in 3 years. I track every calorie I eat, and I have followed a handful of...
  8. C

    What do you guys think of this as a workout for Asthetics and General Athletic Performance

    Monday Friday Cardio Incline Max 17KM/H 10 secs on 50secs off repeat 12 times Push 3 x 5 Bench Press 65KG 3 x 8-12 Incline Dumbbell Press 20KG 3 x F Cable Side Delt Raises 12KG 3 x 8 Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 40KG 3 x 8 SA Landmine Press 10KG 3 x 8 Plate Switch Push Ups 3 x 8 Med Ball Throw...
  9. M

    3-Day Full Body Workout Split for Muscle Growth and Gaining Strength

    Hey guys, I started working out after a quite long pause in October and I consider myself an amateur with some knowledge. My current goal is to gain strength and increase muscle volume. After doing some research I stumbled upon full body workout to be more effective for beginners, so I have...
  10. D

    Help with routine

    I’m looking for an A\B or push /pull or any other 2-3 day routine between upper and lower.Basically a routine that I can follow each week. I’ve searched here and other sites and there’s so many it’s overwhelming. I want to make sure I’m hitting the right muscles that will help shape my arms...
  11. C

    StrongLifts vs a PPL split for a skinny 20 y/o trying to gain muscle?

    Hey guys, I am trying to bulk up and put on some muscle, and am trying to find a good program/routine to stick to. Any advice?
  12. V

    225 lb skinny fat homie wants to get from 0 to 4 pull-ups

    Hey guys, New community for me! Hopefully it's okay to ask these kinda questions on here. I'm a 6'4" ~225lb guy trying to get from 0 pull-ups to 4 in the next five or so months. Do you have any tips for me in the workout department? Do you think it can be done in five or so months?
  13. S

    Thoughts on my A/B minimal routine?

    6x5 for all lifts. A: Dumbbell Incline Press, Seated Cable Rows, Leg Press B: Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press, Cable Lat Pulldown, Leg Press Progressive overload to the next weight if all the reps/sets are cleanly executed. Rinse and repeat. Thoughts?
  14. M

    PPL alternative?

    Please excuse my poor terminology, feel free to share opinion or possible ideas. Day 1: (A) Chest/bieceps/shoulders Day 2: (A)Legs Day 3: (A)Back/triceps Day 4: Rest Day 5: (B)Chest/bieceps/shoulders Day 6: (B)Legs Day 7: (B)Back/triceps Day 8 : Rest Repeat 20 mins of cardio on...
  15. M

    Thoughts on my workout cycle?

    I go thru this cycle once per session. Thoughts, ideas, critique, SUGGESTIONS are all welcome. 1) Dead hangs until failure. I climb up to a bar and I just hang myself from it for as long as possible. With hands, not neck :P 2)I Do a smaller version of 4x4. Get on a treadmill, walk for 10 min...
  16. R

    New lifter, need routine feedback

    Hi! I have now been working out for about 9 months, I'm pretty happy with my current routine but would like some feedback to see if I should do some changes and if there is something super bad with it. So I have the following schedule M, T, W, T, F, S, S week one: A, C, B, C, A, cardio...
  17. C

    3 days a week workout plan

    Hello guys, Due to some lifestyle changes, I need to switch from Upper/Lower 4 days a week to 3 days a week Full Body. Here is the routine I've created. What are your opinions about this program? Full Body #1 A. Lying Leg Curl – 4x10-15 B. Heel Elevated Back Squat – 3x6-8 C. Neutral Grip...
  18. H

    Routines rotation

    Rotating routines Hello, I have been doing full body workout 3 times a week. Do u think it's a good idea if I rotate between 4 workouts (A,B,C,D) like week 1 A on monday B on Wednesday and C on friday and next week. B on modnay C on Wednesday and D on friday and so on and so on.
  19. W

    Help Edit/Rate my Routine

    Day 1- Chest/Back/Biceps A.) Dumbbell Bench Press: B.) Weighted Chin-ups: C.) Decline Back Pushups D.) Prowler Rows: E.): Dip Machine: Day 2 A.) Front Squats B.) Deadlifts C.) Shrugs D) Calf Raises E) Hanging Knee Raises Day 3- A.) Landmine Press B.) Incline Dumbbell Rows: C.) Weighted Dips...
  20. T

    Critique my routine focused on building arms and shoulders

    Day 1: push day shoulder dominant -High incline DB chest press (3 sets 6-12reps) -shoulder press machine (3 sets 8-12 reps) -Arnold press 3 sets (6-12 reps) -cable shoulder raise (3 sets 12-20 reps) -high cable bicep curl (3 sets 12-15 reps) -single arm cable tricep pull down (3 sets...