First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

@mphsmom My dude/dudette/dudeverything. Congratulations on joining the gym. It can be the most intimidating thing when you haven't been used to it. I would suggest the simplest workouts (full body) are usually the best. You can't beat the old school exercises such as bench/chest press, low row, deadlift, shoulder press and squat.

However, what I would suggest is that you keep them low volume (2-3 sets of 5-10 repetitions). For example:

Chest press 3 sets 6 reps,

Low row 3 sets of 8 reps,

Squat 3 sets of 10 reps,

Shoulder press 3 sets of 6 reps

Deadlift 3 sets of 8 reps.

For safety reasons, I would suggest you use dumbells for all exercises except deadlift and squat.

Focus on clean movements and good form (i.e performing the exercises correctly). The weights do not have to be excessive.

Performing full body workouts allows you more time for cardio. Maybe around 15-20 mins of treadmill or cycling.

Keep it simple, focus on form and just try and enjoy yourself.
@mphsmom Ahh, that I did not know. I was about to suggest some bodyweight movements that might be better for you. Dorsal raises are a good lower back exercise instead of deadlifts. As for your legs, maybe skip any type of weights and do cycling instead.

Cycling is a low impact exercise (i.e not heavy on joints). For ACL injuries, many physios recommend it. Maybe even chuck in some swimming if your gym has a pool.

Adding onto my other comments, bodyweight exercises are also great if you are needing a good, quick workout.

I would perform these to failure (when you can no longer perform the exercise properly). Instead of pull ups I would recommend doing inverted rows.

Hope this is a little more helpful for you.