“Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

@piecebypeace Bully or not is a matter of opinion.
The facts are him and Chris are extremely well read on hypertrophy and fatigue mechanisms.

You don't have to like the guy in order for his information to be very good
@gracious65 There are many problems with all these studies that he uses. They haven’t proven anything. Don’t be so naive to believe anyone who doesn’t believe this con man doesn’t believe in science. Some people just have higher standards than Carter has when it comes to proof.

Carter isn’t an intelligent man and cherry picks studies. He’s a high school dropout out who is self taught. I’m not listening to this idiot when it comes to science of training.

He’s until recently dismissed studies, but he needs to make money…

I’m sceptical of anyone who suddenly changes all his opinions after being in the industry for so long.
@jess1 Opinions on what I don't understand, what on earth youre on about.

They have a hypertrophy model. They analyse studies to fit the model, I'd a study doesn't fit the model they still go through the data to conclude why I didn't fit the model.

I'm not a moron, but this is quite literally glaringly obvious.

The approach is literally

Minimise fatigue - maximise motor unit recruitment and with high degrees of mechanical tension

You'd have to be mad to think that doesn't sound right for muscle growth, whether you read studies or not.

Additionally changing your opinion is not an issue, never changing it. If you can't change your stance based off new data that's a problem. The willingness to move stance with data isn't gimmicky, it's following what you believe is right.

Regardless the stimulating rep model and minimising fatigue has quite literally catapulted me. It's anecdotal but I've trained the Mike way it's awful. I knew Dr. Mikes info inside out, there's no model it's just studies nothing gets tied to a model.

The fatigue from a accumulation style program is crazy and I saw much less PO. Obv I still saw PO but we are taking about maximising results here