Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

@tolch Not really, no. Looks at Jeff Albert's, Alberto Nunez training... 6-8 sets per week total volume, which is only 3-4 sessions a week. Less than 4 hours in the a gym a week, then all that's left is sleeping and eating...
@ilovejesus777 Oooh naughty.

He’s won a natural pro card in the NFF. He’s very openly on steroids now, but still trained with these principles back during the natural phase of his career.
@maria28 Rp ain't lifetime natty and I disagree with few things he didnt experience himself ..
  1. 4/5 days a week is more than enough for natty and u build muscle way faster ..just make sure u hitting per muscle twice in 5 day gap
  2. You can build muscle pretty fast even on .7, .8 per lb protein no need exact 1 gram specially on calories surplus
  3. Sleep I say go for more than enough and will impact big time .. specially going for 7 to 8 hours just 1 hour is huge for natty recovery and lowering stress level
@jcreigns Yea I checked out when I read that Lol

I don’t think he understood the video, literally says IF you want to build muscle as FAST AS POSSIBLE, not that it’s the only way to build muscle.
@jcreigns U might be brainfarted by social media there a reason every other guy u seen in gym specially teens these days popping those juicy sarms or some kind of ped it's not for fun lol it's to get better result quickly and steroids can do that u can read studies after 2015 there so many.. ur first point make no sense as i said for natty 4/5 days is great even 3 fresh days in enuff, u saying u want fresh 6 days good luck with that after couple of years training lol, second point is invalid if u go for optimal in life there 9-5jobs/stress/anxiety/hormone imbalance/some days less protein some days more/traveling etc optimal way is whatever u comfortable with at the moment ..ur gut health wack alright let's slow down some protein for week not big deal u can always play around 0.5 to even over gram per lb
@lancslad91 Ive trained 6 days a week for years and its going fine.

No its not. Optimal is optimal. Its not what your schedule would like to be optimal or what you would like to be optimal.

None of what you mentioned affects protein need. At best it makes you less sensitive to protein absorption so you would need more.
  1. Train 3 times/week full body
  2. Train each muscle 2/3 times/week
  3. Add weight/reps each session
  4. 1g of protein per lb of body weight
  5. One bowl of greens everyday
  6. Eat 3 meals a day
  7. Sleep enough
  8. Be consistent
@maria28 Yes but that's the ideal and pretty hard to achieve.

If you are beginner, do 3 days full body focusing on compunds 1 push (press) 1 pull (row/pullup/pulldown) 1 leg (squat /DL) and optional accessories 1-2 (curls / side delt / etc)
45-60 minutes per session

If you are intermediate, pick 2-3 muscles to focus on
4 day split, push+quads , pull+hams
Train the focus muscles first in each session, one heavy session then one isolation high rep
The rest of the muscles 1x or 2x frequency, low volume 1 exercise 3 sets but all the way to failure
60-75 minutes per session

I don't know how it is for advanced
@maria28 Some of it is valid, such as nutrition, sleep and of course consistency.

But some people can’t train 6 days a week, I guarantee you someone who i instead trains 3-4 days a week can still get the same/similar results as someone training 6 days following the 5th point down.
@maria28 Your muscles grow when they rest. I'd be cautious to not over do it for that purpose and stress on joints. Spread protein out as you can only digest about 10g per hour. I shoot for some protein every 2 hrs but it's tough to do sometimes.