“Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

@livingme7 I would not reduce RP to simply a successful Youtube channel, but there is a lack in professionalism compared to others such as 3DMJ.

Due to RP playing the social media game more, their popularity somehow seems to be conflated with success in terms of both theoretical and practical outcomes.
@brandonhall89 Yeah people and sheep like whats popular.

RPs lack of practical success doesnt even matter to them. A trainer is assessed by their successes. Something with the rp method is wrong, maybe it's the trainers juice perspective skewing things.

Btw remind me how many juggernaut trainees got a medal?
@giacmosuaviet Mike doesn’t currently coach anyone and doesn’t claim to.

Jared does coach people and has a highlight of his clients on his Instagram or all of their “medals” he’s a successful coach for both enhanced and natural lifters.

The app itself has no part in their coaching except for them Jared probably uses it to keep track of clients workouts and progressions.
@piecebypeace He's got some size though which is what many people are lacking, once you get that down you can worry about other stuff and RP is probably not your source for info at that point but most people don't make it that far.
@piecebypeace He loses in masters, and its not even an international/big competition. Last time he only beat 1 guy that looked worse than dogshit.

I have a friend (43 years old) whose main calorie intake comes from beer, doesn't train, and he would surely place better than Mike. He's a vegan, one can only reckon how big he would get with creatine. Hes a genetic phenom, nearly no subcutaneous fat, bulging biceps...

But its not about the trainer himself, my problem is with his trainees and the fact that another group regularly catapults theirs to the top ranks (of natty competitions), they even have fair prices but by not playing the marketing game no one cares and we are overrun with fan boys of an inferior method. I can already hear them cry "but he's funny" betraying their age.
@akguy Natty bodybuilding is a long game and RP hasn't been around for that long, and since they never placed themselves in the natty bb niche (both the owners are juiceheads) I'm assuming that number is extremely low. If I'm paying big bucks for coaching I'm getting people already known for it like 3DMJ for example.
@tay796 Been around for 4-5 years at least. I follow a lot of natural competitors, everyone is aware of the trends and science in this industry etc. They are all aware of the way Mike trains and promotes yet I've seen none of them implement any of it. Funny that isn't It.

Almost like it's all bullshit and everyone that trains regularly knows intensity is important and you don't need to deload every month.
@lovely_krystal86 Mike's whole ideology is

"We get super sciencey and nerdy over this shit to try to make time spent as close to 100% as optimal as possible, but like, keep lifting heavy shit, eating ,sleeping, keep improving, avoid major injury, do that for 20 years, and you'll also get fucking jacked"

He just doesn't reiterate that point in every single video. I think the info given is meant to be user as a TOOL, not a rulebook

A lot of it is presented in a very "open" way as well where the emphasis is that information is always being revealed and changing
@lovely_krystal86 Meh, GVS is not a bodybuilder, Bromley is really a strength guy..Mike and Feather prolly favor too much on the slow/stretch stuff. I just work out and do shit that feels like it hurts and then recovers before my next workout. Works good. Also run…Maybe kinda do moderate shit we humans are pretty decent at doing.
@tennille i never understood as a general form of arguement why you have to be a competitive X in order to be label as X (X being bodybuilding in this case). GVS' training primary derives from a bodybuilding tradition (as opposed to say powerlifting or olympic lifting), he has a diet organized around supporting his training and he tries to organize his life to support his training (ie avoid alcohol, late night partying etc.), like when significant pillars of his life is organized around bodybuilding training, why couldn't he be called a bodybuilder
@tennille No shows, no experience with actual judges criticizing his body. That’s bodybuilding right? Or you just talking about working out. Bodybuilding to me is the sport, same as powerlifting, strongman, weightlifting etc.