1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

@button So check this out bro, I've been at the 30+rep volume for a couple weeks at least now with the super-advanced-tuck negatives. And I've been thinking which shape to progress to, to increase intensity and keep things interesting. And there are so many choices but you know what... you inspired me to do the advanced-tuck pull but with the single leg negative. I've already finished my 2nd workout day with them and it's intense enough that it helped drop the volume down significantly (15reps per session) but it's still plenty of volume. My lats and back are rekt and I could feel like it lighting up new parts of my lats. I could feel I'll be getting the full FL this year. Fuck yea. Front Lever is the bees knees.
@button This is super inspiring! Especially since your before pics look pretty similar to me a couple months ago. I picked up lifting and a few body weight and cardio routines over the past few months just to develop the habit of consistent exercise several times a week. It's definitely time for me to set smarter goals, and I might just take them straight from you. Thanks!
@button OMG you have almost the same everything with me. Same age, same height, a little bit heavier than me (i’m 74kg now). You are definitely my inspiration now. I will save this post so that I can motivate myself whenever I feel discouraged. Anyways, congratulations bro, keep up the good work.
@button Awesome man, keep it up. I just tried to do a dragon flag after reading this. I can do the eccentric holding the leg of my piano at home. Definately going to add this into my routine. Do you think dragon flags help with front lever? Front lever is my current goal :)

If you have TouTube channel send it through, I follow peeps who do progress vids :)
@dawn16 I started doing dragon flags as an accessory work to my Front Lever (and because they're super cool). I do think it can help out!

No YouTube channel yet, maybe next year's post. 😁
@button Congrats! I just started using the THENX app and doing some of their routines as an intro to body weight. Could I ask what it is you don’t like about them?
@button Impressive! I'm just starting out and this is very motivating. Any tips for a beginner with more or less the same build as you when you started (195 cm, 83 kg at the moment (coming from 79). I'm trying to gain weight in the form of muscle mass using a combination of calisthenics and dumbbell exercises.
One move I really want to be able to do is the HSPU. At the moment I can do an unassisted handstand, but nowhere near performing a push up in HD, any insights on how long it takes/how to train best?

@dregstudios Thank you!

You're a bit taller than me which can make some things slightly more difficult but only more impressive when you get it!

I'd definitely get used to Pike push ups for HsPU! Lots and lots of them. Get really used to the 90 degree bent arm position at the bottom of the pike push up.

As for how long it takes, this one is pretty subjective to the person. Not only do you have to have the strength of almost a body weight overhead barbell press, but you have to have to balance to do it upside down.

Best way to train it is to make a mini road map of steps you need to get there (these little goals will keep you motivated along the journey) X amount of pike push ups, X amount of foot elevated pike PU, x amount of wall HsPU negatives, 5, 10, 15 sec handstand and so on. A lot of this stuff takes much longer than you'd expect but that only makes it more satisfying/impressive to achieve.

Make sure to listen to your body along the way, any sharp pains is your body yelling at you. I hurt myself trying to push too hard in a wall HsPU and lost good form (arching my back a lot) and injured my trap. Also experienced forearm splints for working on handstands too much without training my wrist extensors at all or stretching forearms. Not trying to scare you but these are just things that happen that you learn from when you do.

Hope this helped, wish you all the luck with your training!
@button I have similar stats (182cm 80kg age 25) and I started with around 2-3 pull ups, but in 2 years and a half I am barely better than you at weighted dips and slightly weaker at weighted chin ups, so your progress is very impressive for me.
@button Awsome post and goals! Same hight and weight as me and a motivation boost reading this! Currently running a upper lower split my self, was wondering if should change it up to a push/pull/legs to allow more rest. Or simply a light heave modulation.

Btw did you ever do weighted chin up as a accessorie exercise for the front lever and the one arm chin?
@button Nice post and congrats on your progress.

not pushing yourself

Can you expand a little on this? How did you find the right intensity and how do you know when to increase if you're not working at your limit?
@dawn16 I would train often to failure and pushed myself testing maxes often. All I wanted and still want to do was train and had less self control when I first started. This ultimately led me to injuries and then I wasn't able to train at all!

I consider not pushing myself being just shy of injuring myself. The way I found those limits was injuring myself (trap strain, forearm splints, inner/outer tendinitis, knee injuries) and would highly suggest not learning that way.

I think the right intensity is putting in lots/max of effort (on some exercises, not all) in the gym without letting your ego take over when form breaks.
@button Amazing progress!! I’d say for the next year, increase your lower body strength. It’ll make you so much more well rounded. I actually am also into my first year (it’ll be 1 year in September). You’re stronger than me upper body wise, but much weaker in your lower body. Your squat and deadlift maxes are pretty easy warmups for me. I’m not trying to belittle you, I’m just saying proportionally, your legs are far behind.

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