10 Resistance Band Exercise for Fat Loss


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  1. Crab Walking:Put the resistance band around your ankles. Your arms and your core will not be neglected. Bend your knees a little bit and push your butt back. Tighten up your ABS and keep travelling side to side. You are activating those outer thighs and glutes. Clik:
  2. Single-Leg Deadlift:Push all of your weight into your left heel. Reach right leg back in in back and just a quick reach with that right leg. Bend the left leg for the whole time. All of your weight is in your left heel. And then lift right leg up and down. Click:
  3. Sumo Squats:Take a wide stance and do some sumo squats. Turn out your toes for 45 degrees. Push your butt back, squat down and squeeze glutes as you lift. Bring it up and down. Don’t completely straighten legs because you only lift about 3/4 of the way up. Click:
  4. Standing Triceps Extension:Bring a band around your wrists and do a squat curl to press. Separate your arms as much as you can. Come up your bicep curl, squat your low curl and press it down. Focus on holding arms apart the whole time. You are firing up multiple muscles. Click:
  5. Sumo Walks Backwards:Stand on the inside of the band and set the band at your feet. Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat down and push your butt back. Stay low and take six steps back. Turn around to go back the other way. Click:
  6. Lunge:Hold the band in right hand. Place the band underneath left foot so it’s across your body. Step your right foot back. Stay into a lunge bending both knees 90 degrees. Push off right foot and kick the heel up. Make sure you are dropping as low as you can in the lunge. Click: https://imgur.com/gallery/jFqDpoi
  7. Sumo Deadlift:Pulses Bring a band underneath feet. Separate feet as wide as you can. Keep a flat back but push your butt back. Reach for one end of that the end from band. Lift the band up and down. Click: https://imgur.com/gallery/01BjDDE
  8. Single Deadlift:Reach left leg forward and bring a band underneath left foot. Make sure the band is secure so it doesn’t snap back and hit you in the face. Straight up shoulder to the wrist. Pull right elbow up and then release arm down. Doing a low to high wide row. Keep the core tight you want to pull with the elbow. Click: https://imgur.com/gallery/rSgPgST
  9. Side-to-side Push-ups:Bring a band around wrists. Find a plank position and feel free to find this plank from your toes or from your knees. Step your hand over to the left, do a push-up and then bring that hand back. Click: https://imgur.com/gallery/q2Joeeb
  10. Bicycle Legs: Lie on the floor and wrap the band around your feet. Never let knees pass your hips. Extend left leg straight and push heel forward. Switch your two legs for cycling. It’s a small movement for feeling your quads a little bit. Click: https://imgur.com/gallery/8mK5jXi

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