I’ve lost 80 lbs, and started resistance training about 3 months ago. The difference since beginning to lift weights astounds me!

@edenworkshops He sounds like a great trainer! I've been on the fence about working with one because I have zero upper body strength, so it's very heartening to hear how he does modifications in a positive way. Thank you for sharing and keep it up! A five day program plus yoga and active recovery is no joke. ❤️
@edenworkshops Daaaaaaaang, sis!!! First of all, the progress in your curls, box jump, plank, etc is awesome!! Secondly, your physical transformation is amazing! Keep it up and thanks for sharing!
@edenworkshops Congratulations on this. That's a lot of weight👍 Stick at the running; it'll get easier. As a former club runner who is now returning to runnincg-well jogging via couch to 5k really, the first 6-8 weeks are horrible, but after that 👌You'll feel amazing
I do wonder if I'm doing soenthing wrong though as I seem to be gaining weight, despite working out and trying to eat healthily?
I don't weight train, but do you use kettlebells 3 days a week, , do walking/hiking and and yet I get heavier?
I guess it could be muscle, but I don't really se any gains? 🤷‍♂️
@edenworkshops Eyyy you have almost my exact body type shape! Like if you told me this was a pic of me I’d be like “ok yep!” Haha. and I lost the same amount of weight! Crazy! You look awesome and I bet feel awesome! Weight training is so great and I love that you can really feel the difference if how strong you get. I really need to get back into it, especially since you mentioned it lower your resting bpm. My has been really high for a few months due to inactivity and stress (and maybe other stuff idk)
I used to feel like I wasn’t worthy to take up space and basically apologized for my existence.

That's something I felt change after I started exercising and weightlifting too! It's incredible how your mindset and internal monologue can totally change with physical activity. Congrats on your hard work OP!
@edenworkshops You look great! And don't say you "give up" jogging at 8-10 minutes -- you go back to a flat pace. Interval training with running/walking is a great way to build up that endurance, don't minimize your work. Weight training is the best. I can feel my metabolism spin up after a good weight lifting session. Keep up the great work! :)
@lil_sisa The best piece of advice I’ve gotten for running, is to work on just keeping your feet moving, even if that means running at a snails pace. I always thought I needed to keep a fast running pace, and could never keep it up for more than 5 min. Now I run slower, but longer, and I’ve really been able to watch myself slowly build up length.
@lil_sisa This! This so much! Doing intervals of running and walking was some of my favorite cardio a few years back. Actually been reminiscing about it so much that I can’t wait for nice weather to get back to it!
@lil_sisa running is SO HARD! Especially for beginners. it took me 5 months to run my first 5k and 2 years for my first marathon, and I started in the healthy weight range! You should be proud!
@1astrokiid1 It took me 6+ months to get to the point where jogging for more than a minute or two was tolerable, much less enjoyable. By the time I finished C25K, the 30 minute mark was feeling okay, and I looked forward to running. That took the better part of a year!

Running/walking interval training is absolutely the way to go.

And sometimes running just ain't your thing! There's plenty of other ways to engage in cardio: swimming, biking, rowing, paddle boarding, jump roping, walking, ellipticals, HIIT, etc. So many options!
@1astrokiid1 YES. And also, my body is terribly inconsistent. Some days I can bang out 3 to 5 miles without needing to walk at all, then some days I can barely get a few minutes into my jog and I need a walk. Be patient with yourself. I try and remember that I'm so lucky my body moves on the treadmill at all, and repeat a Peloton instructor's mantra, "I am, I can, I will, I do."
@lil_sisa This is how i feel... Some days I can run forever, others running a mile is the most painful thing ive done. The first mile after leaving my house is uphill so learning to take it slow and not burn out has really been a mental test for me.