2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6 - Helena Discussion Thread

@mallyhj I think he really hurt himself badly on the handlebars. If he cracked a rib or or something to his intercostal muscles breathing would be heavily affected. Honestly, if that’s the case he’s performing at an amazing level!

I’d like to think that at least because the alternative is he slipped badly!
@buttercup1089 Nah I think it only makes sense if he didn't have those two good finishes. I think he is definitely not feeling 100%, but he's never had to deal with that adversity before at the games and may not know how to handle it.
@mikelore Very true but I chalked that up to him trying to peak and not being cycle ready. This just looks like he can’t get enough O2 whenever it’s hot and humid. The more humid the air, the more difficult it is for anyone to breath efficiently. Add an injury that might be impacting his physical lung capacity, as in his ability to fully expand his chest and that’d be telling.

I’m semis he did get serious in the 2nd half and do what he needed to do. Here, he just looks like he isn’t himself if that makes sense.

But I’m super impressed by his grit!