2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 3

@giftsigns Just laughed out loud at the commentator talking about Kanyo being a wildfire firefighter. "In Canada, they ship firefighters to rural areas to fight fires" like it's some unhinged thing and wildfires don't exist anywhere else— especially not in California, where the WCC is held
@giftsigns Looking forward to seeing some analysis of where the women qualifying out of Oceania would have ranked in Europe. Even ignoring event 1 which clearly had a longer/harder run, some of these scores appear to be pretty slow. Did Europe get too few spots?
@be_a_light How should they have allocated spots that there regions get? Or should it be based on what they think they should get or should it be based on how what the athletes actually did over the last 3 years?
@be_a_light Ignoring event 1 (which looked harder in Oceania), I don't think the 4th-placed Oceania woman can qualify in the European semi. Her time would have placed her 22nd in event 2, 16th in event 3, 14th in event 4, 21st in 5, 12th in event 6. That should give her 260 points (37+55+61+40+67), meaning that even if she had 100 points event 1, she'd still be 11th, out of the final qualifying spot.

3rd-placed Oceania woman would be placed 17th in event 2 in Europe, 16th in event 3, 4th in event 4, 23rd in event 5, 25th in event 6. That would give her 262 points (52+55+91+34+30), again in 11th place, so again, she wouldn't qualify in Europe.

2nd-placed Oceania woman should qualify in Europe unless she had a stinker in event 1, and she didn't.

Pretty sure all 3 top men in Oceania should qualify in Europe. 4th-place Oceania man would be placed 8th in Europe in event 2, 24th in event 3, 18th in event 4, 35th in event 5, 12th in event 6, which would give him 237 points (79+32+49+10+67), not enough to qualify.

I'll just add a caveat that this is just a quick calculation so there may be mistakes, and I'm assuming that I got the points table correct, which I may not have.
@giftsigns Well event 1 for Oceania had a pretty rough climb. That is going to linger into event 2, which was pretty leg heavy. It kinda set the stage for the next workout.

Event 3 was done inside, which allowed for more control over external factors.

Comparing times across different semi-finals is kinda pointless, unless every building is set to the same temperature, humidity level, elevation, and every distance is the exact same incline with the same windspeed.