23.1 women’s barbells misloaded

@12345susie Both Dukic and Horvath said they were happy with their scores and not planning on redoing it and either way it is pretty serious. I spotted it in seconds and told my husband who then also noticed right away, might be easier for someone who does mostly weightlifting and uses fraction plates daily but it is still a shocking mistake at an official announcement event.
@budalazena I know it sucks, but at least for the females, they're a shoe in to make it to the quarters so all they have to do is put up a score basically
@budalazena 38kg and 43kg are reasonably far apart and these athletes ostensibly would be training into the Open with these weights and should recognize it.

But on the other hand - there’s a lot of stress doing a live announcement. What the fuck, CrossFit.
@budalazena Schoolboy error stuff for sure.

But for me it’s at least more of a calamity than it is a controversy.

Maybe the girls who took part won’t see it that way mind you!
@budalazena The workout announcement is listed in pounds. Why run the event in kgs and risk a mistake? I realize for seasoned and international athletes this is more common, but just seems like an unnecessary variable.
@adafitchfe It is perfectly normal to use kgs rather than lbs for an event run in Madrid, Spain. European boxes and event organizers own kg-based weights, and European spectators are not familiar with lbs.

However, converting lbs into kgs should be simple enough that even CrossFit can get that right.