24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

@john6574 I’ve never gotten a muscle up in an open workout and I’ve qualified three times out of the 90% qualifier metric. I think you’ll be surprised. You can likely still qualify if you put up a quick tiebreak for the first half.
@youthcenterdream Oh really?! Trust me I will give everything to fly through the first section and those first 7 thrusters of the first round, but I can’t do a single muscle up and haven’t even tried to trained them due to a shoulder niggle
@kmurph Looks like it.

I’ll still do part one as quickly as I can and see how it all lands but muscle ups and handstand walks were always going to come up at one point and that would have been the limit for me.

Shows what I need to work on if I want to try again next year