24kg or double 12s


New member
Hello fellow kettlebellers,

I have been working with kettlebells since around January 1. I started with a single 16kg and then stepped up to a single 20kg. I’m 34M, 5’9” - starting weight around 205lbs and I’m down to 185. Running DFW and I’m getting ready to progress to a heavier weight.

Do you guys recommend a single 24 or double 12s? I’m considering pro kettlebells so I could eventually make the 12s into 14s with magnets.

I’ve read through a ton of post and see a lot of recommendations for double 16s at this point but I don’t really want to do that as I’ve been taking a “slow and steady” approach. Plus my 16 is a traditional hairstyle powder coated bell and I am interested in trying comp style bells.

I don’t think I’ve seen a single post recommending double 12s but it makes logical sense to me.

Let me know what y’all think!
@pamelakbd This.

Even if it's the "right" weight now, you will probably out grow them pretty soon.

This is the beauty of adjustables IMO. You can start where you are and progress without ever buying something again.

And my guess is that if you're looking at proKB, you aren't super sensitive to price.
@dmk741 I also highly suggest getting the competition style adjustable kettlebells if you can afford it. Get two and you’ll be set. It will save you money in the long run. If I could go back and start over this would be the approach I would take.
@deemarie This.

Venders people have talked about on here include: Bells of Steel. KB Kings, and Titan.

Don't know if anyone has purchased from Titan recently, but they have ones (different color than before...don't know if anything else is different) for $160.

A 12 kg from pro KB is the same price as the Titan adjustable. So if you were going to get double 12s, you could get double Titan adjustables.

Bells of Steel has 2 variants (where the bell is the same). One comes with up to 20.5 kg of weight (which can go up to 32 if you buy more plates). The comes with weight up to 32.

The Bells of Steel version has smaller plates than the Titan so you can micro load more. But I think the designs are all the same and they accept dumbbell plates.

I think the KB Pro bells look great. But you honestly can't be the value (in money and in space) of adjustable comp bells IMO.
@josephhayes When it comes time for me to get the additional weight (I have 2 BoS 1x 32 and 1x 20.5), I might get a Titan instead of the extra weight.

The extra weight is $100. The titan is $160.

And I think I'll have enough smaller weight plates to still have small jumps.
@jar1437 I bought the 2 BoS because they have the discount for 2, both 32kg. And although I don’t need another KB I’m curious about the titan at that price for sure.
@dmk741 My perspective as somewhat of a kb nerd might not be the most applicable to your goals, but imo you should get the 24 prokb, then a 2nd 20kg, then a 2nd 24 prokb. This is only because you said you don't want 2x16, which is the best all around kb combo, with the caveat that hardstyle 16s kind of suck because the small globe concentrates pressure on your forearm. Sport lifters can get a lot of mileage out of 2x12, I would use the shit out of them even though I'm comfy with 2x16, but for Neupert or hardstyle school lifters yeah it's probably not enough stimulus.
@cavitill I’m down with double 16s, just not sure if my hardstyle bells would be good for that. I could slowly acquire a pair of comp 16s or prokb 16s and keep or sell my current 16.
@dmk741 You can lift 2x16 forever if you follow sport methodology. World champions regularly cycle down to 16s as part of their periodization. So in that sense it's a good investment. But for someone strictly into bodybuildng/fitness lifting, it would be insane to spend $400 on 2x16 prokb when could spend the same amount on dual kbk adjustables that take you from 12-32. Whether the shape of the prokb justifies the cost I can't say, I thonk its worth waiting for an opinion from an elite (reddit elite) who owns some - all of the strongest guys here seem to own them.
@dmk741 You’ve already outgrown double 12s. Your legs are not going to be the weak link here. And your arms can already do 20kg. Get a matching 20, or an adjustable.
@oceankeeping I see your point but if I’m doing 20kg with two hands I don’t see how I’ve already outgrown double 12s? That would be 24kg total load which I haven’t worked with yet and everything I’ve read says that double bells with the same overall weight is more work. Am I missing something?
@dmk741 Yes, but the total load is only going toward your legs/hips/butt. You only press 1KB with your shoulder. Your shoulders/arms/grip would take an 8kg DECREASE per side (16kg total load) to gain 4kg INCREASE for your legs.
@cavitill Seconding this comment. That’s essentially how I progressed in terms of bell purchases. I’m hard style all the way, so the adjustable comp bells didn’t suit me, but to each his own.
@dmk741 You'll outgrow the 12s pretty quickly.

Doubles are generally better than singles because they let you use more total weight.

My suggestion is an adjustable competition bell. If that's not an option, either a 24 or another 16 are the next best options.
@dmk741 I ran DFW pretty soon after starting kettlebells. I started by fiddling around with a 16kg,* practicing kettlebell movements for 3 - 4 weeks. Then did Simple and Sinister with the 16kg for about 4 weeks. I had started to work the 20kg into my sets. Then I started DFW Remix. I had already been working in a little bit of press work.

I tested my 5RM for the double press, and it turned out to be 18kg. My RM with the 18kg for single arm press was 8 reps. So if I were to buy a second kettlebell, I would purchase my 8RM for a single press. That would equate to roughly a 5RM for doubles, with which you are supposed to run DFW with. Running DFW should progress you to where the weight now becomes your 10RM, which is also good.

12kg seems way too light.

* I have adjustable kettlebells. I highly recommend them if you can spend the money.


I started just a month or two before you did, more or less. (About two months earlier, but I also took off 3 weeks do to illness). I'm also over 10 years older than you. I started with a single 16kg. I'm currently running the Giant 3.0 with double 24s, and I have a couple weeks left on that, and I seem to be on tract to make the 24k be at my 10RM for the double press.

The press is the limiting factor with kettlebells. Like I said, I would target your 8RM for a single arm press if you plan on doing doubles.