[29M] Been training since 2021, not seeing much progress. Please help?

@ladydenise226 Alright you are not working out enough, or eating enough calories and protein. Honestly just pick up weights. Start the reddit PPL routine the one you have is not even a workout.
@ladydenise226 I actually do not believe that this frame is capable of 3 * 8 even slightly weighted pull-ups with a full range of motion, unless OP has incredible natural muscle density. If the latter is the case, he should worry less about how he looks and more about what he can do. With that natural muscle density he could be working quickly towards advanced tricks like front lever, handstand push up to planche and back, one arm pullups, 'the works'.

My opinion is to ditch the weights and start working on difficult progressions. Reintroduce the weights only as a variant once OP proves to themselves that they really are strong as a donkey by moving to advanced progressions. Concentrate on strength and endurance, and aesthetics will follow.
@ladydenise226 I dont say this to be mean, but get your testosterone levels checked. If you regularly work out as a 29 year old male and that’s your progress, there may be a hormonal issue, not a commitment issue. Eat lots more beef and eggs for natural boosters, and possibly consider TRT depending on your levels. There are multiple kits available online where you perform a buccal swab and mail it out. A far better test you can have is via blood draw if you can get your doctor to sign off on it. Lots of people here telling you to bulk, and they’re right, but looking at your post, you are severely underdeveloped and is likely a combination of very low protein and low testosterone. Steak, eggs, protein powder, Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
@ladydenise226 Your gains seem a bit slow tbh. But then again, alot of the comments people have mentioned are like 5 year plans. If you go too fast and start lifting too heavy, your body will not like you when you get to 50. I really think you should go nice and slow but not too slow. The hardest part is actually staying consistent. Keep it up anyway 👌
@ladydenise226 I commend you for having a routine and sticking to it. But just being real, that is a workout I’d expect someone in their 70s to do who is trying to follow doctors orders to maintain muscle mass. Either join a gym with coaching (I personally love CrossFit, though it’s not necessarily best for adding muscle.), or spend time researching what is actually needed for adding muscle.
@ladydenise226 I just think your not training hard enough. I started at 105 too and i’m 125 now, i’m 16 btw.

My diet might be pretty bad but i still got a decent physique i’ve trained for about under 2 years. Lift heavier with more intensity you don’t need such a high number of reps especially for hypertrophy. 6-8 should be fine imo. Learn harder variations.
@ladydenise226 I think this has to do with diet. Don’t get me wrong but your body is kinda wobbly. Too much junk food?

Also do more, 3x14 push ups is barely something. What I would recommend is train one part of the body till failure or just about.

Other thing to consider is that your body gets used to the exercises you do, so you need to reset every 6 months or so. Work same muscles with different exercises.
@ladydenise226 As most people have stated, more progressive overload and all that. I was also one of the skinny dudes, maybe look into additional supplementation? 5g of creatine daily made a big difference for me
@ladydenise226 You're doing 6 sets of pull ups and 6 sets to hit chest a week. I wouldn't be expecting muscular gains with that volume. Sure, you're strong. After all, 8 consecutive pull ups with 7.5lbs is impressive. Just not enough.