3 Month Progress - 189.8 to 164.0

@acs04401 Well done, but man is it ever depressing hearing how damn easy it is for men to lose weight. "I cut out junk food and alcohol and started exercising and I lost 26 pounds!" If only it was that easy for girls.
@dawn16 I can understand your frustration as my wife can get discouraged as well.

In complete transparency, I did completely change my diet from awful to REALLY good. Not to mention that I was drinking close to 24-36 beers a week or more.

Additionally, Genetics does play a large part too. When I was wrestling in college I was under 4% body fat without much effort.

I would be willing to bet that most men generally won't see these results either with just cutting out junk food.

I hope I didn't discourage you!
@acs04401 Sorry but there is no way you were under 4% body fat. Ever. Unless you were bodybuilding at a really high level. To get anywhere close to that takes a monumental amount of effort (not just 'genetics') and you'd look like those bodybuilders with paper thin skin. Maybe measuring yourself with those 'bodyfat scales' or maybe with calipers? Good job on the weight loss.
@m00ny For what it's worth, I was measured by the NCAA. I was a Division 1 college wrestler.

Please keep in mind that when I meant by "minimal effort", it means during the wrestling season, doing the same workouts as everyone else.

I can assure you that my weight cuts were MUCH harder than any body builders. Not to take anything away from body builders but weight cuts for wrestlers is just a different type of beast.

Normal Wrestling season workout schedule:

6 mile run at 6 am.

Lifting at 12pm

Wrestling practice at 4pm

Then running after practice to lose any extra weight (if needed).

Perhaps it was disingenuous for me to say with minimal effort because of the amount of exercise is involved in a normal wrestling season. No one else on the team was anywhere close to my body fat %.

In all transparency, Out of season I would sit close to 9% body fat.

I wasn't intentionally trying to deceive anyone. I was simply trying to put into context that I naturally had a really low body fat % even when compared to other college athletes.​

My apologies and sorry if this came off as arrogant. I can't tell you how much I respect the body building community for how much hard work and dedication they have towards their craft!​

EDIT: Changed miles for morning run to more accurately reflect how far the team ran on average.
I am still fairly new to reddit and I screwed up the format on the above post while I was editing. Sorry!

Also, I realize that I was misleading with the minimal effort comment and I don't want anyone to think I was saying what we did during the season was "minimal effort".

I just meant I was not doing anything more than the rest of my teammates in regards to exercise/diet. Obviously, the amount of exercising we did to stay in shape was an insane amount of work.

So again, sorry for being misleading!