3 Months In and No Progress (29 F)


New member
Long post ahead. I'm just frustrated and looking for advice.

I'm 5'1, 115lbs, 29F. Over the last 3 months, I've increased my activity level with the hopes of losing 5 lbs. I started at 1600 calories then went down to 1400. I tend to gain weight in my chest and lower belly and I can't find tops that fit anymore (my chest is a large but the rest of my torso is not lol). I'm of an ethnic background that is at high risk for heart disease and diabetes so I need to have less body fat

I'm having trouble figuring out my calories to help me lose weight. Until last year, my maintenance calories were ~1600 and I weighed 105 lbs. This was before I had a workout routine. The last few years of my life were incredibly stressful with a lot of chronic illness and death in the family, but it wasn't until all that ended that my weight really went up and now it's stuck.

My fitness watch indicates that my whole-day calorie consumption is around 1200, even on days I workout. I know those things are inaccurate, but even my phone rarely gives me a whole day calorie reading above 1350 calories and my phone just tracks my step count when I have it on me.

I workout 3-4 times a week. My workouts are a mix of bodyweight, light weights (5-15lbs), and pilates. I focus on getting around 7000 steps a day but some days are hard because I have plantar fasciitis. My job requires me to be on my feet all day, so I've developed foot problems early lol.

I don't yet weigh my food but many of my meals are from meal kits (with the right coupon codes, it's less than the cost of groceries in my area) and I always try to split two servings into 3 or 4. I have chronic digestive issues so I can't eat foods that are high in fat, anything super high in fibre, beans and legumes, more than one piece of fruit in a day, or protein supplements.

How can I increase my metabolism or decrease my calories without feeling crazy? I have tried eating around 1200 over the last week and it is a major struggle because I felt so tired and hangry and I haven't been able to think clearly.
@cmdaniels1986 Hi! Our stats are similar. 29F, 4’11”, 118lbs.
You are already a great low/healthy weight for your height. Perhaps you need to recomp? Personally I am about 8lbs heavier than at my lowest weight but I am a lot leaner than I have ever been before. Have you tried focusing on maintenance calories (maybe a tiny deficit), increasing protein within those calories and weight training?
@vdsd I also have similar stats and agree with this. Eating at a low intake and only incorporating bodyweight weight workouts may actually result in the loss of muscle mass, and therefore an increase in body fat percentage
@vdsd I envy your stats tbh. I honestly don't feel like I'm at a great weight for my body. It's just genetics because of where I store fat (my chest). I can't lift heavier weights right now because of my feet, even though I would love to change things up. I guess I will have to be very patient with my weight loss ahaha
@cmdaniels1986 I think you'll find this easier if you weigh your food. I've found the serving sizes/calorie amounts of packaged food to be inaccurate, like maybe the nutrition facts say the package has 300g of food but it actually has more or less, which can cause your calorie tracking to be inaccurate. I think you should stick to a calorie intake that doesn't make you hungry, so that your progress is sustainable. 5lbs doesn't sound like a lot, but for short women at a lower weight, it can take a lot longer to lose 5lbs than for a larger person. It also helps to find foods that are filling but not calorie dense, like plain nonfat greek yogurt, vegetables, fruits. Don't give up!
@cmdaniels1986 Have you ever consulted with a nutritionist? High protein with low fiber feels it would not be good for the body. With that level of activity and calorie intake (even on the higher end) you should be able to “in theory” lose weight. Are you doing at home Pilates or at a Pilates studio?
@icmontreal I've worked with a dietician last year when my gut issues were at their worst. Some of her advice has been helpful, but it's truly a process to heal the gut. I get a decent amount of fibre through vegetables but a higher fibre intake is not worth the pain it will put me through. I'm subscribed to an at-home fitness app (Daily Thrive) which has a mix of different workouts.
@cmdaniels1986 Have you been tested for hypothyroidism, PCOS, or insulin resistance? Any of those things can cause your metabolic rate to drop. If you've never had a thyroid panel done (fasted, first thing in the morning), I highly recommend it. You might need medication.
@cmdaniels1986 I’d be more worried about your feet at this point. Do you have a podiatrist? In the interim superfeet and compression socks (like feetures) can help. Yoga can help too.

Since you’re at a healthy weight, losing will be difficult. Losing weight at a noticeable pace will probably make you pretty hangry. Get as much protein as you can—lots of chicken breast.

I would also recommend lifting heavier weights and doing compound exercises. This combined with protein will help you keep muscle. You don’t want to lose muscle while losing weight.
@loveforanimals My doctor did refer me for physio, which has helped a lot, but it's a process. I have been using compression socks and they are helpful too. I can't lift heavier weights yet because that puts too much pressure on my knees/calves and subsequently, my feet, but hopefully in a few months things should be better. The thing is that this doesn't feel like a healthy weight for me as I have a lot of fat stored in my upper body that I would like to reduce.

I'll try focusing on more yoga though, thanks!