4 years of hard work

@jord1999 This statement is the good one.

He just needs to direct his attention to improving his technique/diet/workouts.

He needs to direct it away from self-doubt, comparison, and steroids.
@jord1999 I don't think my progress is necessarily bad or slow - I think just being natural is painfully slow and I'm not even close to where I want to be. I think with tren I can be there in a.. month or two?

But like I said, I started at severely underweight (49kg) unable to bench even the bar. So just getting to a standard "normal male" baseline took about a year. And then it took me another year to actually learn how to lift. And only in the last year (past 12 months) I started being much more careful with diet
@silsophi Dunno man look at my last progress post (25 years of body transformation ) and yeah you kinda need to tighten up your diet in my opinion.You look strong but if you want to look like a race car you'll need better diet control. Or go for the strong man look and dont fret. You should be proud of the work you put in though. That puts you in the top 1% of hard workers training-wise.
@silsophi You look fat but also you can see that you workout. You look like a normal dude that has been going to the gym 1-20 years and doesn’t know exactly what he is doing. Not intended to insult, I’d say 99% of people fall in that category. Get more into the science of it and don’t balloon up like that, from that picture I can tell you either dont understand how to create a proper program or you are not taking your nutrition seriously. By the way you already have enough mass to look better than 99% of people if you’d do a good cut. From your story your cuts are not good either. Find your maintenance volume stay high in protein 1 gram per pound or a little less and you shouldn’t lose more than a couple of reps and little to no muscle in your cut
@tamarav The only thing I disagree with is that he looks fat. He DOES NOT look fat. He looks fat RELATIVE to some very high standards.

If you think this is fat.....????? This is like top of bulk for someone that's super afraid to be fat.

Don't give me body dysmorphia now, because im apparently a fat slow with a six pack lmao.
@davwms We are probably on the same page. From a neutral perspective I fuly agree he doesn't look fat. But from a trained athlete that is serious perspective, he is fat and there is never an excuse to look like that.
@silsophi Bro while I can really appreciate the positive comments about body dysmorphia, I can completely understand how you feel.

You have a certain standard/benchmark that you want to achieve and the fact you haven't achieved is frustrating you.

I was in the exact same place. I had to do something I've never done before... Low carbs

And when I mean low I mean 1 slice of toast every 3 days low. 4 litres of water a day whilst still trying to lift heavy, slow jogs 3 day a week. 15 minutes HIIT 1-2 day (5 compound weighted exercises circuit)

I did it for 2.5 months and while I don't recommend it to everyone, it honestly got me in the best shape of my life! Without knowing I was basically dieting like a bodybuilder getting ready for a show lol

When I reintroduced the carbs it's got my muscles FULL and mature looking. From then on my body got used to it and everything I ate after that just went straight to my muscles.

Bro all I can say is that you're not wrong in wanting to look like a greek god,and what some call good won't be good enough for YOU, because of your personal goals dreams.

"To achieve the things you've never had, you must be willing to do the things you've never done before"

That's stuck with me!

Hit me up if you need some more help bro.

I can show you some pictures of how I started off, similar to where you are now but I didn't have as much muscle

Keep up the hard work !!
@silsophi you have developed pectorals, visible ab definition and capped shoulders. you’re not shredded or pro bodybuilder type massive but you do have much more muscle mass than most guys and you definitely look like someone who’s been working out for a long time. go easy on yourself, the other commenters are right, you’re genuinely dealing with some BD if you don’t look at yourself and see what is clearly the enviable product of hard work.
@silsophi I'd trade to be in that good of shape. I have a similar frame and muscles, but add about 15 lbs, mostly around the belly. You're doing fine.