4'9" and i hate it


New member
I hate how at 168lbs I look obese!!! Yet my cousin at 5'5 looks skinny!!! I'm going to cry wtf why was i born the equivalent to a smurf

Edit: Damnb I didn't expect people to take my rant and agree that yes im the size of a whale lmao
as a type 1 diabetic trying to lose weight on top of taking insulin is a hassle, but i used to be 180! Now im 168 which I'm proud of! And thanks to the ones who understand what im trying to say 😭💖 it means a lot
@rj7tennstars I’m 5’1” and about 130 (so just barely not overweight by BMI) I look chubby bc every ounce of fat on my body lives in my midsection. It’s all about where you carry the weight. Unfortunately some of us were cursed with carrying the fat in stupid spots. I have a friend same height & weight and she looks like she hasn’t eaten in a month if you see just her belly. Her fat lives in her boobs, thighs, & butt in the best possible way. It’s not fair bc I exercise daily and she exercises when she gets around to it maybe weekly. She’s also 15 years younger than me so I’m sure that’s part of it.
@lemonbalm dat part but also some people are just fattier or more muscular than others. some are skinny fat. literally your health also plays a role in how you look at certain weights. i look fatter now at 115 than i did when i first reached it when i was in highschool going thru my throws of heavy restricting.
@lemonbalm Ehh I took my biometrics last month and I'm overweight BMI standard. & I've been trying to walk at a higher step count. I used too work nights 6days a week and that really affected my weight so much. Anywho, seeing as how I'm at 27 bmi, so overweight I've been wanting too loose a lot more
@exitworldwide …yes, and by pretty much any other measure too. I know this comment is supposed to be some gotcha moment where you try to say BMI is bullshit or something, but anyone with any shred of common sense could see that a 4’9 woman who weighs 168 pounds is obese.
@bluebird29 Yeah BMI is bullshit. She was just ranting, I think she understands her weight might be an issue and doesn't need your "well actually." Highly recommend you learn about the history of BMI before using it as a metric of health and wellness.

Edit: lol being downvoted by people who have based their whole personality on having a low BMI
@dawn16 The BMI literally changed overnight in the 90s, so people who went to bed overweight woke up obese. The man who invented it was a statistician who used it as an averaging tool for populations. He himself said explicitly that it could not and should not be used to indicate the level of fatness in an individual. It does not account for ethnicity or different body types. It makes no allowance for the relative proportions of bone, muscle and fat in the body. It doesn't really work for people outside of the average, such as short people. It should not be used as a measure of health. I just don't think it was necessary to tell OP like she doesn't know she's fat. She was just venting.
@rj7tennstars This isn’t really a sound comparison because the difference between 4’9 and 5’5 is still a whole 8 inches of height. Even if you were 5’4 that’d be like complaining a 6ft woman looks so much skinnier than you at the same weight…
@rj7tennstars It is definitely an unhealthy weight for that height...at 5"3 im less than that and I'm considered over weight ...for 5'5" it's within the normal range

But hey the whole point here is to strive to be a healthy and fitter versions for ourselves so don't feel let down , just know you need to make changes and start working on it...
@rj7tennstars You can’t change your height, that’s yours to own. You can definitely change your weight. A philosophy that’s worked for me over the years for a number of things I’ve had to clean up in my life is this: if you don’t like it, change it.

Just realizing that YOU have all the power in the world to come up with a plan and execute it is empowering.

Good luck, many of us have been in your current position before and have come through the other side happier and healthier.
@rj7tennstars Comparison is the thief of joy! Either decide that you’re going to lose the weight to be in a healthy range, or accept and love your body as it is now, even if it is in an overweight or obese range!
@rj7tennstars It’s all relative. Honestly if you were taller you’d likely have the same eating habits.

Your weight does put you quite solidly in the obese category. This means that you’ll be able to shed weight easily by making some small changes to your diet and moving your body more to get the myriad benefits of exercise.

You don’t have to be 110lbs but there’s a lot of room between 110 and 168. 130lbs will put you at or near the top of the Overweight category.

Your cousin looks “skinny” because she makes different choices. You can make those choices too.
@forwhatitsworth I agree with you wholeheartedly that it’s about the choices we make.

However being that short means having much lower calorie needs. She would have to eat a lot less than her taller cousin / exercise more (for overall lower net calories) to be at a healthy weight for her height, compared to a healthy weight for her cousin. This can be extremely challenging - for example going to a restaurant and having to get the salad or not finish your food when everyone else can eat more “normal” meals. Everyone else can have a couple of cocktails and still easily fit that within their calorie limits but that could go over easily for shorties.

Yes it’s about choices but short people have to be a LOT more restrictive and consume a lot less than “standard” servings.
@randomone she can literally eat a good amount of food and still lose weight. When you’re eating healthy, the volume is a lot with lower calories. She does not need to exercise more than her cousin, and she can actually eat food at a restaurant. The OP ay 168 pounds is definitely not having a healthy diet and eating salads at a restaurant. At 4’9” she would have to be extremely ripped with like less than 10% body fat to even justify being 168 pounds. She would not need to exercise more than her cousin. I’m short and I lost over 140 pounds, my diet is not restrictive and I don’t think it’s harder for me to lose weight than it is for somebody who is 6 foot. Eating healthy at any weight will help you lose weight and that doesn’t matter how tall you are.
@chrismonolo I agree but I think shorter ppl definitely have a harder to managing their weight when they are eating ultra calorie dense unhealthy foods like at restaurants. These foods mess with our natural hunger and fullness cues and have an extremely high amount of calories for small volume. It can be easy to eat the same dinner and dessert that everyone else is eating when calorie wise you only need to eat half or 2/3 of it. A lot of shorter people have to do hacks where they skip breakfast and/or lunch or exercise and burn a lot o calories to be able to eat out and eat as much as everyone else. While op is at a high weight she can eat a fair amount but as she gets into a healthy weight range for her height she will have to eat quite a bit less than the average human because she is quite a bit shorter and smaller than average. The only way she will be able to eat similar to average people is by being very active.