4th Year as a Vegan (3 years Veggie before that)

@learning1 What’s funny is I’m bigger and stronger than my meat eating peers who also use - ergo, the only difference is food. Thereby proving you can build more muscle on plants if you train hard and eat enough (again, before you go on the wrong tangent, we both use, they pull 5 plates, I pull 7)
@qcontent Genetics? Experience? Form? There’s a lot else that goes into it. That’s like saying; my wife beat me in a quarter-mile using green fuel so green fuel must be better than gasoline. Except she’s in a Porsche 911 and I’m in an M3. And she’s been driving 5 years longer. And her handling is better.

You cannot ignore other variables in a desperate attempt to state your point. Your evidence seems to be anecdotal. I am YET to see a plant-based proven-natural lifter achieve anywhere near the same results as an omnivore in the same time period, with similar genetic potential and the same experience in the gym.
@qcontent Scientific study. Peer reviewed research. Published papers by reputable scholars.

Let’s not pretend; your progress is admirable, but it is because of your stack, not your veganism. You are at a detriment on a vegan diet, the science shows it. This post promotes steroid use not veganism.
@learning1 Monteyne AJ, Coelho MOC, Murton AJ, Abdelrahman DR, Blackwell JR, Koscien CP, Knapp KM, Fulford J, Finnigan TJA, Dirks ML, Stephens FB, Wall BT. Vegan and Omnivorous High Protein Diets Support Comparable Daily Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Rates and Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy in Young Adults. J Nutr. 2023 Jun;153(6):1680-1695. doi: 10.1016/j.tjnut.2023.02.023. Epub 2023 Feb 22. PMID: 36822394; PMCID: PMC10308267.
@calostemma You can DM for (some) specifics, but I cannot be 100% accurate - this was a year ago and I cannot really recall the specifics to the T, unfortunately. Shit memory

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