6-Month Anorexia Progress

@hal16 Even if you're technically labeled "underweight" you look phenomenal. And honestly, if you feel great then I think you should just ignore what a BMI chart suggests (if that's what you're going by) And just go with what you want/what feels right. Building muscle feels good and you want more then I say go for it.

Kinda surprised to see how polar opposites we are in how we started. I was able to do 13 pushups and maybe a 30 second plank starting off? on top of the fact that I was overweight at the time. While you're struggling with pushups but can casually handstand 30 seconds at a time (I don't even have the confidence to attempt a handstand (fear of falling over on my head/shoulder (Has happened a few times already)))

Thanks for sharing your progress!
@hal16 Either way: Having a strong core is undervalued by most. Having a strong core and being able to stabilize yourself will help loads with your pull ups and pushups. Yeah, your arms might only be able to do a few reps for each but I'm willing to bet your body is straight as a board when doing pushups and pullups while other's backs will sag or they raise their ass in the air because their core can't handle it so they end up doing 10+ pushups while their body squirms like a slinky throughout the reps. While you do 3, 4, 5 or even 1 proper reps which will carry you farther than slinky olympians doing 10.
@hal16 You did not gain 25 pounds of “mostly muscle” in 6 months, especially as a female. You seemed to have gained mostly fat (which is good and healthy considering how underweight you are). Just clearing this up for other people so they don’t feel demoralized when their progress seems “slow”.
@cande You're right, its definitely not 100% muscle, obviously. Especially around my hips, but thats also because I haven't worked out my obliques enough, lol. I don't have a way of determining what percentage is muscle, and I'm in no way trying to say that I gained 25 pounds of pure muscle. I just know a lot of the places where fat tends to distribute (waist, butt, thighs) is solid to the touch and not soft at all. Except my hips, lol.
@hal16 It’s not because you didn’t train your obliques. It’s just next to impossible to gain that much muscle. But you’ve made a massive improvement and look ten times better, hopefully you also feel ten times better now being able to actually do stuff with your body.

I know anorexia is a mental disease more than physical. I hope you’re also in a better place mentally
@hal16 Working out your obliques wouldn’t have affected your bf%.

Your areas that are still solid are still that way because you were very underweight before and still are to a lesser extent.
@cande Was this comment in any way necessary? How do you know whether the poster gained fat or muscle. This person is recovering from a debilitating Psychological illness and this is your response? Have some compassion. I think anyone reading the post would only be impressed by their recovery and the tremendous strides made. Clearly, the poster is coming back from a place of severe underweight and so had a lot of gaining to do. Parsing what percent is fat vs. muscle is kind of beside the point.
@lovegodforever111 I quite clearly clarified that she gained a healthy amount of weight.

how do you know whether the poster gained fat or muscle

Because it’s physically impossible to gain 25 pounds of mostly muscle in 6 months, especially as a female with no testosterone, and especially with bodyweight training. I don’t think you would even hit that much as a male on steroids.
Was this comment in any way necessary?

Yes, for the reasons he explained. It's bodyweightfitness, not upliftingnews, other people also use this sub as a way to parse how they're doing, so giving more context is only good.

It's not like he was rude, stop acting like he was being outrageous.
@hal16 That's a gnarly incision they made and I can't not look at it all those meaty bits. How long does it take for it to heal up because I don't see any stitches.
@ouranopolis There are dissolvable stitches on the inside of the incision and its also glued shut. I've been cleared to shower and stuff (4 days postop) and I think the stitches will start dissolving around day 10 postop? That's what I was told at least. I'm still super paranoid about it ripping open, lol.