6-Month Anorexia Progress

@hal16 I know this is off subject, but can I ask what type of pain you had? And like the area that hurt? My back has a pretty similar, maybe slightly less, curve and doctors act like I'm crazy when I say it hurts! They refuse to attribute it to the curve.
@hal16 great work!! gaining weight is hard work, this is a huge achievement and I know all that muscle will be super useful, especially as you recover from surgery.

i am also super gay and would love to know where your gay shorts came from 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
@hal16 I just wanted to say as a recovered EDNOS gal who is dealing with a relatively new disability you're... You're a fucking inspiration. You look great, I'm sure you feel better, and it's just awesome.

I'm still new to all of this stuff but I just had to say how nice it was to see this and think "Maybe I really can do this". Thank you.
@hal16 I am SO proud of you! Look at you shine!!! You keep up all of your hard work!!! This is not an easy thing to overcome! You’re doing an amazing job!!! Sending tons of love your way! Much love! 🖤