6 MONTHS PROGRESS - No before photo :(

@cece_lee16 Hey, what was your diet? I'm skinny-fat myself (more skinny than fat, actually, just a little belly fat) and I want to change my figure just like you did. But I got mess in my head. Should I eat something around 300 calories deficit? Have you been on cut, bulk or maybe you just didn't give a sh*t about your diet?

Anyway, great figure! Keep it up, champ!
@dawn16 Not counting calories sadly ..

Very basic diet,

Breakfast - Nuts (as many as you want) (roasted salted mixed unsalted)

Lunch - Chicken / salmon or prawns with nuts and eggs (3 eggs)

Tea - Vegetables as many as you want and chicken (sometimes eggs)

Snacks - nuts (as many as you want) (apples and bananas)

I only have 2 meals a week that differ from this,

Friday morning (breakfast 3 sausage 3 bacon 2 egg 2 black pudding)

Sat morning (breakfast 3 sausage 3 bacon 2 egg 2 black pudding)

This is it dude .. no rice / bread /pasta / red meat (apart from bacon on fri and sat) or dairy,

Almond milk,

This is my eating from monday through to sunday :)
@4thglryofgod Basically,

Pull ups / Chin ups / L sits / handstand work / Front Lever work ..

Started planche stuff last week !

But basically yes Just the bar and the parallettes .. its all I use and all I have :)

also push ups dips and squats
@cece_lee16 That's excellent - well done.

As a purely aesthetic suggestion (am a woman, being nit-picky and also a bit of a perve) you may want to consider adding some dips - either weighted on parallel bars or just straight ring dips (depends on how experienced you are on the rings as they're much harder). And maybe start on back lever - that will strengthen your tendons as well as work chest and abs.

Otherwise all sounds good. Don't forget to stretch as well - after workouts and ideally in its own 30 minute plus session twice a week. You may be young and springy now but I can tell you from experience that your hard training life will be much extended by making sure you tie in mobility alongside strength.