7 months PP and I want to change my life for good


New member
This is the heaviest I have ever been 244lb
I will start making changes to my life and have been looking up at things to eat and exercise any tips?
  • avoid all junk food (chips, crackers, cookies, donuts, candy, ice cream) and fast food. You don't need it, and it's bad for you.
  • avoid all beverages that contain sugar (soda, fruit juice, energy drinks, starbucks frappucino etc)
Don't keep these things at home. If it's not there, you're not tempted to eat it.

After a while, you won't miss these things any more.
@satanworshiper666 Will do I used to be a truck driver so I ate A LOT of everything above since it was the quick options out there but I feel like I need a change or I won’t be active enough or have the sufficient energy to play with my LO. We don’t even go outside much and I’m feeling guilty about not having any physical activity.
@youlka All this industrial food is really terrible for you. It might be worthwhile to try lots of different fruits and vegetables to find the ones you like and which ones are easy to keep around and prepare. For example:
  • baby-cut carrots are relatively cheap, stay fresh in the fridge for several weeks, and can be eaten straight out of the bag with no need to peel or cut them.
  • apples store well (sometimes several weeks) and are pretty easy to slice
  • cherries are convenient since you don't have to peel or slice them
  • avocados make for a good appetizer - just cut in half and whack the pit with a large knife to remove it. Not cheap, and not low in calories, but still good for you
  • bell peppers are pretty good and keep in the fridge for over a week
These are all things you can eat raw, no cooking required.
@satanworshiper666 I like everything and I have tried everything I now am a stay at home mom and I eat them frequently but I will also eat everything that’s bad in addition to that like coke, candy etc
@youlka Diet is really important. Don't give up on workouts, if you miss a day then resume asap. You might not see results for 4-6 weeks, don't give up. 🤗

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