7 Years Back To The Pull-UP


New member
I FINALLy got my strict pull-up back after 7 years.

Background: I was CrossFit enthusiast and went to my local CrossFit gym 4-5x/week. I loved double-unders, deadlifts, Olympic lifting, and even scaled CrossFit competitions! And I had gained the strength to do strict pull-ups multiple times.

I got pregnant 7 years ago and was a high risk pregnancy and was advised by my OB to scale back my exercise regiment. Long story short I gained 40-50 lbs in the last 7 years. I couldn’t do a strict pull-up without assistance.

My husband did build me a garage gym about 6 years ago and I became a home gym Crossfitter. I have been on a slower-than-expected journey back to my fitness and strength.

2 days ago I had finished my first warmup exercise of 100 double unders. I decided to just attempt a strict pull-up since I had been usinga thin resistance band for about a week. (I usually do assisted 10 pull-ups much later in my warmup)

I went up to my rig and….. and BAM. I pulled myself up on the bar without a band. I WAS IN COMPLETE SHOCK…!

I finally got my pull-up back! I weeped as emotions washed over me….

Quite frankly it has been a struggle to get back my fit body and just be strong again. I have had so many re-starts on trying to be consistent with working out. For the last 4-5 months, I have slowly found a path to getting there and the pull-up is a major milestone for me.

So if you have been struggling with your fitness journey, please know that your strength may come back. Even if it takes many many years…

Thanks to anyone that read this post.

Be encouraged!

I did a strict pull-up finally after 7 years.
@cassandrabeth17 Well done! Only time I've ever been in tears in the gym was a pull up accomplishment myself. Took me by surprise, wtg!

Less than 1% of adult females can do a strict pullup, this makes you an elite athlete now! Think about that 🤔
@dmitry677 Thank you! Crying in the gym is totally allowed, especially happy tears! 🥹

I didn’t know that stat regarding the strict pull-up. WOW! That’s awesome to know. So the next time I’m working out in my home gym, and I feel like changing my workout from a 15 AMRAP to a 10 AMRAP mid workout, I’ll say to myself.. “Hey, elite athlete! Don’t you dare!” 😬
@cassandrabeth17 It’s crazy how hard it is to do them. Took me 7 years of CrossFit to get my first one. Then I see some guys getting muscle ups in their first month of CrossFit. Grrr. Congrats!!!
@cassandrabeth17 Can you share how did you built the strength to do the pull ups again. Gaining strength is an issue for me. I am looking for a programe that can help me build strength to do a single strict pull up. Thank you if someone can share a good routine thank you
@johnb445 I bought resistance bands from Amazon. They came in a pack of 3 I believe.

I started with the thickest band and did 10 assisted pull-ups as part of my warmup. I did this about 4x/week). Changed the band as I started to see more reps become easier and easier.

You got this!!!