8 Month Progress w/ Reddit PPL

@samiwhitie Dude spectacular. How many sets and reps did you usually go for? Also did you shift programs every few weeks? (like pumping then low reps then power sets etc.) And how often did you do rest weeks/days?

And one more thing, how many calories per day?
@beloved123 Thanks man! It's definitely easier to pull-off those two exercises when you're cutting. I just did about 25lbs for both. Pull-ups 5x5 and dips 3x8-10. During the bulk though, no added weights lol.
@somnium Super basic:
  • 224g of baked chicken or 12oz frozen tilapia or 8oz ground beef
  • 128-200g of brown/white basmati rice or 4-5 whole wheat tortilla
  • 3 cups - 225g of Mixed vegetables (Mandatory for every meal)
Now, the trick is to add some sauces and spices if you want to keep sane.

I put the cooked chicken and mixed vegetable together on a pan and just heat it up with whatever sauce I'm digging.

To finish off the meal, I eat a banana or an apple. And if I want to lose weight quicker, I leave the fruits out.
@samiwhitie I have been doing the reddit ppl for 2 months. This post is really reassuring that I'll get good results by just sticking strictly to it.

I'm surprised that you're able to add even more exercises like weighted dips to reddit ppl tho. Usually I'm out of strength by the time I reached incline dumbell bp on Push day and have to deload to 20kg dumbells.
@farleyaz That's great to hear man. Be consistent and have your nutrition in check and your body will look different before you know it.

At first, they weren't included, but as I got stronger and used to the program, I noticed I had enough gas in the tank to add them. Also, Pull-ups and dips activate a lot of different muscle groups which is why I have to do them or my workout isn't complete. Plus they give me the best pumps lol.