A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

@coconut23 I work for a major call center for a very large network storage company so i sit in an office with cubes all day. We are provided very poor chairs so im always catching myself sitting poorly. Lately ive been trying to get up and stretch every hour otherwise i go insane in my chair. These steps are good to follow.
@coconut23 I didn't even look at it in detail yet, but regardless -- I am impressed by the amount of work you put in your posts, and that you do it all for free. I hope there will be a part 2 to your strength program soon, too! Thanks a lot!
@coconut23 What a load of quackery.
Exercise is good.
Prescribing specific exercises to try and prevent and correct posture to everyone is not backed by any research.
There is 0 need to do this specific routine to "prevent" and "correct" anything. Anterior pelvic tilt is not a diagnosis, rounded shoulders is not a disease.
If some posture or habit is hindering performance; or you experience discomfort because of it, than sure, change it and do some specific excercise. If not- just exercise and do stuff that YOU like (and perform a good training program).

If anyone tells you differently, ask them to provide good scientific evidence that prescribing a "program for posture correction" is more beneficial than any other exercise routine for non symptomatic people.

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