A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

@gworden Either your friend has a ridiculously high bar for being natty (no protein powder either I'm assuming?) or they are misinformed about what creatine is.
@tabularasa Probably the latter. I didn't get a chance to really ask him about it, but all he said was that steroids and creatine "kinda feel like the same thing". My guess is because they both "increase" performance.
@luyandam I mean, it is pretty idiotic to speak on a topic when completely uneducated on said topic

A non idiot would say "I don't have enough information to speak about it" or simply not speak
@tabularasa I feel ya, once I started the protein a bunch of friends turned on me. Now that i've been using the creatine my mom kicked me out of the house for abusing PEDs. Damn... I knew I shouldn't have gone unto my local GNC. Wish I was natty again.