A guy yelled at me at the gym

@knd92 Kinda yeah, but a guy might be mentally unstable and not hesitant to hit another person, even (or in some cases - particularly) a much smaller woman. So it’s better to stand your ground but not provoke needlessly people who shout at others in public places without a solid reason.

P.S. Steroid psychosis is a real thing and can be quite dangerous to others.
@mark1 I’m so sorry that happened to you. I have experienced a lot of wild shit at my gym, but I have never had to endure something like that. You did the right thing!
@mark1 I have seen several similar posts recently “some boomer yelled at me!!!!”….

Maybe it’s just the boomer in me (lol, I’m 42, I dunno if that counts as boomer or not, nor do I care), but I have never seen anything remotely like this in a public gym.

That sucks if it did happen, but I’ve never been to a public gym where adults acted like children. I’ve never had “influencers” shooting videos either. Maybe I’m just going to wrong gyms?? Lol. Or maybe y’all are, I dunno.

Or maybe people complain about made up stuff on the interwebz. That’s also an option. Lol.
@mark1 yeah that’s wild!! i feel like even if you had done it on purpose just like making the most of his time at the gym he could have come back to it

worst thing that’s happened to me at the gym was someone condescendingly applauded me 😭
@mark1 Ugh sorry that happened! What a loser. Hope he gets banned.

I go to the reh-fit centre (my knee is pretty messed up and they help me with that) and I just get nice old ladies complimenting me on how “strong” I am 😂 (I really am not)
@mark1 Got ganged up by two old dudes ones for taking "too long breaks" on a machine, or "sit on the floor if you wanna play with your phone" whatever that means. I track my workout on my phone, and I even have a timer set for 60-second breaks, so even rather shorter breaks.

In the moment, you are just speechless, just confused about what just had happened. At the end of the workout, I complained at the front desk.

Something about older dudes and phones, they just like to rage about it. Meanwhile they read newspaper everywhere. I kid you not, once even during lat pull down.
@chevreuil Omfg 😭😭 absolutely no chill! As if that’s their business anyways! That’s so weird that these people watch your every move and critique it to your face. The audacity!
@mark1 It's not strictly workout-related, but there was a time I arguably had anger issues and I know the gym was kind of where I went to vibe out a lot of the time.

This Existential Psychotherapy I studied talks about if you act on all your impulses, you become a psychopath; if you suppress all of your impulses, you become neurotic; what you want is to selectively express good, productive impulses and be a creative.

I think most people try to suppress all their impulses. They've got to come out somewhere.
@mark1 Similar situation but with a a woman hogging the only power rack on my squat day — lift a few seconds… wander off and talk to guys for a few minutes… lift a few more seconds… check phone for a few minutes…

This went on for thirty minutes when I finally asked how many more sets she had. You would have thought I asked her to get naked or something by the way she reacted. I waited another ten minutes and she stormed off.

Entitled little sinewy schmeigel looking dbag.