already dreading tommorow's cringe 9/11 tribute

@megahunky Does yours have a 9/11 wod? This is the first year I have noticed my box programming a 9/11 tribute wod. I’ve been doing crossfit 10+ years across 4 boxes and don’t think I have ever seen/done one.

I was a teenager and only a couple miles from one of the crash sites when 9/11 went down and it’s a very weird memory for me. It took so long for me to process it (at least a decade later).
@marieb3 I think that’s more of a box problem. My box generally has this idea around hero/memorial wods: we attend hero wods to go to the gym when we normally would, however, with the attitude of humility and really just remembrance. There’s no “they died for you so you can’t take a break”, it’s simply a remembrance and spending your normal workout hour with the idea of gratitude in your mind. I think it’s a great thing to do when done with the right attitude.
@marieb3 Ok, dude, either you go to the worst CrossFit gym in the world (screaming coaches, kids/dogs running about during kettlebell swings and such) or you are an old fashioned troll.

Tell ya what, how about you start filming some of this stuff. Set up you phone to record your workouts. Do it secretly if need be and expose these people. Send the video to CrossFit headquarters and get them stripped of the name.

Your credibility has been called into question and there are some inconsistencies in your posting history.

Now is the time to provide proof. What you have alleged is serious abuse of members and horribly unsafe. You are morally bound to report it.

Time to do what is right.

Edited to zap some typos