Am I a dreamer or insane? I'm embarking on a 12 week journey of doing Sealfit M/W/F and Wendler's 5/3/1 on Tu/Th..

@bradmorris67 I should've been more specific. I am a federal Leo and I workout everyday with the federal spec ops community at a federally funded non profit crossfit affiliated box. I also have a on duty rifle in which I can go shoot at anytime in a mout training facility and the open desert. Everything you said, I've done and more. I just wanted advice in a specific program (sealfit) and combining it with wedlers 531. Thanks though.
@bradmorris67 Can you tell me more about this cortisol & sleep thing? Ive been doing 5/3/1 + metcons for a few weeks now, and am having the worst sleep at night. I generally do feel rested when I wake, but I toss and turn all night. Started right around the time I intensified my training. Now its all starting to make sense....
@dawn16 Inositol has shown some benefit for cortisol modulation (you'll see it in a lot of 'relax' style supplement formulas too) and has shown great promise for a lot of PTSD sufferers (several grams a day) in helping to shut down the feedback loop (stress spikes cortisol, cortisol causes poor sleep which causes more stress which causes more cortisol and other stress hormones).

I find 400mg a half hour or so after I finish training does help me get to sleep better a few hours later as does 100-200mg of PS (phosphatidylserine). Inositol modualtes serotonin for sure, appears to do something that helps control cortisol (and other stress hormones), PS modulates cortisol by blunting it's effects. Both help me sleep and both were hands down 80-90% of curing my PTSD (not military related, severe hypokalemic event that left me essentially paralyzed for several hours, woke up all but paralyzed and quickly got towards almost complete paralysis, quite terrifying).

Also for sleep make sure you are getting enough magnesium (not necessarily from a ZMA, it's usually a poorly absorbed form), google "make magnesium oil" and just make your own mag oil, I put a half dollar blob on one forearm a little before bed every night then just rub my forearms together until it's absorbed, add that to the ZMA you are already taking and you'll be fine. If you aren't taking a ZMA pick up some Mag-Tab SR and take 4 of those a day for essentialyl 100% of your magnesium (yes they are pricey, but your body can actually use the bulk of it and it's a steady release and I have used it for a couple of years now).
@35jesuswept Do you want it to be to much?
Also, no this is not insane?
Drawing fake hieroglyphs on your walls with spit and blood because you are bipolar is insane. This is just fitness.