Am I missing out if I dont squat ?


New member
I dont really have a big reason why I dont wanna squat anymore. I feel like I waste so much stamina that my quads dont even get stimulation. I usually end up dreading Leg day because of the squats. Pushing my knees out when im going low also feels wrong for me. In general I feel like I do it wrong all the time, it doesnt feel nice and in general theres no point.

I wanna fully replace it with Leg Press, doing slow eccentrics and full ROM. However I hear so much benefits of Squats such as an increase in atheletic ability and testerone. I mean I do RDLs and Weighted Ab Crunches as well and plan to carry them on. Would my CNS, core and test be missing out if I skip out on Squats and replace it with Leg Press.
@jayaraj I gave up on lifting heavy in all three B, SQ, and DL 5 years ago and it's been great for longevity, haven't been snapped up in all that time. You can easily find substitutes.
@mrj You could do both Bulgarian split squats and walking lunges, but I always liked walking lunges better because of the angle of the concentric part of the movement.

In a walking lunge, you are pushing forward, which does give you a pretty deep stretch and hits both the quads and glutes well. Whereas with the Bulgarian split squat, you are mostly hitting the quads.
@jayaraj I’m a huge fan of the squat. I personally feel it translates better to actual day to day function, and is a full body lift in that if the load is appropriate it requires mental focus and full muscle activation from your finger tips to your toes.

I don’t think leg press or hack squat or machine press fully encompass all of the benefits that you get from squatting with good form.

That being said if you simply don’t enjoy it then maybe it’s just not for you. Maybe the overwhelming benefits from squatting are “broscience”. I can’t say for sure.

All I can say is that I like my body more when I squat 2-3 times a week. I think I look better and I feel better. I have less aches and pains and my functionality and mobility are better than when I used to only leg press and hack squat.

I think everyone should squat. But if it’s not for you it’s not for you.
@bobwhite I also am a huge fan of squats, and would add that the process of dialing in good form can teach you about your own body, and how to keep problem solving and not giving up. And I swear it increases T for a day, because after squat day my libido is a little higher than usual.
@confusedgirl98 EXACT same experience here. Hack squats, leg press, and Bulgarian split squats have done far more for my quads because I’m able to really dial up the intensity on the actual muscles I want to train because of the stability. And I actually enjoy training legs now.
@confusedgirl98 Ive felt more in more quads in a leg press than a squat. Probably cause I can reps faster, meaning the quads are under more tension. Ive only felt this way in a leg extension as well.