Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

they suck and are difficult and that’s why you should do them

So many people don’t get this. Choosing to do something hard is like weight training for your mind. Your willpower needs reps too. I’m not saying people that choose not to squat are “weaker” mentally than those that do embrace the suck, but I’m not, not saying either.
@jayaraj Idk how downvoted this will get but I’ve found that if I replace squatting with leg press my leg size and strength goes down exponentially, even while continuing other leg exercises such as RDLs in a balanced program. Maybe practice air squats and add load or just do box squats🤷‍♂️
@jayaraj There is something i get from squats that I don't get from other leg exercises. It isn't that squats will develop my legs more than other exercises either. It ties quads, hamstrings, lower back and glutes together in one movement. Unsure if having these muscles work together in a movement adds something extra, but i feel like it does. As long as I physically can squat I will. But if i couldn't i would be okay with leg press and other iso legs exercises.
@jayaraj Not missing anything, other than, well, improving your squat

Swap it out and don't look back- as long as you are doing more than only extensions (leg press, hack, bulgarians, etc.)

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