Am I too heavy?

@kutloello Depends on what your goals are. If you’re just trying to be generally fit/look good your height/weight/bf is pretty solid, but if you’re trying to get into doing comps then personally I would drop a little weight. I have a similar build (6’2”, 200, 12% currently), and if I am going to do a comp or something I will up my cardio and get to low/mid 190s and will be around 9-10%. Even with it being just a few pounds it definitely helps me on more cardio/engine based workouts and the strength loss is super minimal (if any) for me.
@patim22 My goals are to be fit and healthy. That said competing would be a lot of fun. I’m at least a year out from being competition ready. But it’s good to know that dropping weight is possible without sacrificing performance.
@kutloello My brother, you could compete right now! There are plenty of scaled and community events going on! Competitions don't need to be Wodapalooza or Strength-in-Depth level to be fun!
@kutloello You need to do more cardio. Do some longer runs a couple times a week.

I’m 230 and always middle to upper middle of the pack, but I started CrossFit after getting tired of marathons and Ironmans.
@kutloello With those numbers, you probably don’t need to lose anymore weight. I’d work on your cardio more. Try some Zone 2 training, get your steps in, etc.
@nhla2 Got a chest strap hrm and just started a zone 2 program. I found out the slowest jog (12 min/mile) I can do puts me in zone 3. Hopefully I can change that
@kutloello Smart investment. Maybe try intervals with your running (jog for X amount of time, walk for X amount of time) and see if that can keep you within Zone 2 more regularly and work up from there.
@kutloello A cut to 12% BF shouldn’t take away much, if any muscle. That’s the whole body fat part of the equation. Dialing in your eating habits and you’ll drop the fat and should maintain almost all your muscle.

When I did an 8 week nutrition program I started at 12% but wanted to maintain my body weight. I scaled the calories accordingly, followed the macros and went to 9.5%. I started and finished within 1lb of my starting weight.
@kutloello You’re only competing against yourself. Would you feel better being 12% instead of 16%? Then do some cutting. If not, just keep trucking along and doing what you’re doing.
@kutloello Same height as you, was the same weight. Slowly cut down to 210-ish and the difference is night and day. Just take your time with the cut and you won’t lose any muscle at all.
@kutloello I’m 6’5 250 lbs and am a upper-middle of the pack finisher on most wods in my gym and one of the stronger athletes in strength portions. I’ve been going consistently for over a year and have only lost around 10-15 pounds. By most standards I’m quite heavy for a crossfitter but my engine has improved drastically. Focus on building that cardio base and you’ll see a large difference, I’m a firm believer that body weight isn’t relevant unless you intend to compete at a very high level.
@kutloello How old are you? A >10% increase in bodyweight of muscle is something that would require some of the Craig Richey Special if you’re just sprinkling in structured hypertrophy training.
@kutloello How is your breathing during the metcons? For the longest time I thought I had the most horrible cardio, but since I started focusing on breathing, I can now last and finish workouts without almost literally dying!

Inhale through the nose, exhale fast through the mouth.

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